P is for Psycho

Han will have that shield down, we've got to give him more time!!!

If you don't mind, we'll just run alongside the train as it speeds you from our lives . . .

A check so fat it has its own Congressman.

In some southern east-asian dialects, "Google" is a double-entendre for "male sexual organ".

A man can dream, can't he?

Not me, man. Tom Petty rocks.

@ LR

You know, "I like Benjamin Button better the first time, When it was called "Forrest Gump" and Aids was the hot-button issue instead of Katrina. And even better the REALLY first time when it was called "Being There" and about the hopelessness of the Republicans.

Would you offer a dissenting opinion to Tom Petty?

One time John Corbet's band played at my school.

The Dr. Saunders stuff, when she broke down on Victor, telling him that he was ugly - that was quite heartbreaking.

Untrue - the fact that Echo knows her own name is IMMENSE progress.

Ohh, I'm only ten and already I've got two mortal enemies.

I'll concede that point, but bear in mind that it was only his character which would have never existed. I'm fairly sure that the actor would remain alive despite the exploits of his character.

. . . and "Where's Nordstrom?"

@ Writ Large

Butterfly Effect Alternate Ending
Indeed "The Butterfly Effect" was, "kinda crappy", to say the least - but it could have been so much worse.

Quite the pessimist, aren't you?

Where's my burrito!?!?
Where's my burrito!?!?

The Dinosaurs died out because they discovered the existence of Bigfoot.