P is for Psycho

Umm, I liked "Shine".

Why don't we cut out the middle man and put Segal in the Predator remake?

Get to the Choppah!!!!

Other examples of "infinite cycles of douche":

I contend that, given the opportunity, Mr. Burns would shoot Dane Cook right in his douchey face, regardless of his resemblance to Rory Calhoun.

So, just to be clear - are we going to do "Stone Henge" tomorrow night?

Hey, Goat. You're a goat. I produce "Entourage".

@ Denby:

Ryan Phillipe?

The preview that I saw intimated that Affleck died in this one. Or maybe died. Following "Hollywoodland", this allows for the possibility that dear old Ben will be Hollywood's go-to guy for the prominent corpse.

It's possible that I've got many people beat:

xxxii - Actual best superbowl ever

We're allowed to actually type "fuck", right?

Speaking of "muppets" - is anyone creeped out by those short sketches during the first few seasons of SNL with the muppet creatures? I handle most muppet-like characters very well, but I find those things very disturbing to this day . . .

Who do you love now?

Umm, Go Rockies?

Someone who doesn't like interesting films and things.

We'll invent our own game, where people throw ducks at balloons and nothing's the way it seems . . .

Ahh, McGarnagle, eases the pain.

But in another, more accurate way . . .
The classic seasons (1-9) are the winners.