P is for Psycho

Wait a minute - there's no such thing as a talkin' dog!

Aforementioned sidekick MUST be a talking pie.

Tyler Perry's Contrabulous Fabtraption of Dr. Horatio Huffmadea.

Oh well, you go big or you go home. I'm prepared for fire-based wishes of my demise.

This is on my netflix queue . . .
I'll have to watch it first, before I can say anything witty or insightful

Strap this on your "Sore Ass", Llama.

Strap this on your "Sore Ass", Llama.

God damnit, Loch Ness monster!!!

I like to imagine that it's a marble floor.

I hate gypsies, too, C.B.S., they're always distracting people with music so they can steal babies. I read somewhere that there are over 300 million gypsies in America today - so they're pretty ubiquitous, too.

I'm with taint.

Minor Fail, d.lo.

Taken 2: Miss Taken


@ Snape - And it turns out they're both Tyler Durden.


Tuxedo is referring to copulation.

So, Nancy goes to a cult every Sunday instead of a church - does this really affect our day-to-day SImpsons-viewing lives?

The man doesn't want us internet people to assuage his heartbreak - he wants us to echo his love of Oreo ice cream.

The man doesn't want us internet people to assuage his heartbreak - he wants us to echo his love of Oreo ice cream.