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    I think someone like Bradley Cooper (or similarly likable) could kill it as Jake/George. Too bad its on TV. Love the book, but I have no idea how they could make it a series without fucking it up. Mini-series or a show with an end-date…. like 6 episodes or even 20 episodes. Just it can't go on for years and can't be

    Its fantastic… but just be aware its a love story not a time travel book.

    Hyundai is getting their money's worth and then some… its great product placement for them and as annoying as it is, it doesn't take me out of the show.

    Andrea does give kick-ass speeches though…. So true that its frustrating because TWD could be a great show, and it clearly has that potential but they choose to get bogged down in bullshit soap opera drama.

    Maybe I'm just a creep but I was getting weird vibes between Michonne and Carl. It would be cool and bold for the show to explore that.

    Fuck it, I thought he was really great. I get that not everyone likes his humor, but he was invested and it was a good episode. The worst sketches were the ones not involving him. I think SNL needs to have more comics host, and less actors of the moment.

    Really? I would be watching opening day if I was in the movie (even as an extra). Who cares if the movie is awful… you were still in it and that is cool. I think you should watch it and not worry about being judged. It seems like you are trying too hard.

    Laurie Holden many be the worst actress working in television today. It sounds hyperbolic but I think its true.. I've never seen someone be so bad, and so cringe-inducingly awful. Her Andrea is one of the worst performances I've ever seen in my life in any format. Just gross.

    I don't think I've ever hated a character more in my life. That dumb bitch is taking over the show too. I'm hoping and praying they kill her off, but it doesn't seem like that is going to happen.

    Who gives a shit? They are not making a documentary… the goal is to make an accessible, enjoyable film. If that means morphing the facts, by all means they should.

    I've had the child molester vibe from Axel from day 1… even before the weird shit with Beth… you are 17? Ughhh. Good riddance as far as I am concerned. He didn't have many skills either.

    I think there are two quality actors in this cast… Morrisey and Lincoln (and Bernthal before).

    When is that dumb bitch going to die? I'm so sick of her….

    Agreed, the beginning was atrocious and the ending was very intriguing. TWD is such a frustrating show, its fun and the good moments make up for the shittiness that pervades what feels like the majority of episodes.

    This is the best comment section I've ever seen here. I've spent the past hour reading these stories that have been funny, interesting, and romantic.


    I think a lot of people are in some middle ground there. I genuinely love the show, but I hate almost every character and I have so many issues with the show. I think its one of those things where the sum of the parts is better than individual aspects. The show is fun… but the writing, acting, and plotting are all

    I wonder how much Hyundai is paying TWD? Because that product placement is golden. I swear they show that damn jeep more than some characters.

    Hey I know I moved here two weeks ago but listen to me give an inspiring speech about how great our town is.

    I think its more her acting than anything. She plays the character so… smugly.