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    I hate that fucking bitch.

    Lincoln is a solid actor but he looks like fucking Daniel Day-Lewis when you compare him with some of the actors on TWD.

    Rule of thumb… if something is a hit, it must suck.

    Haha. You have to admit he could, at least superficially, do better. Biel is not that attractive, and IMO ugly. People can disgree.

    His wife is ugly as shit. Real talk. Dude's slumming

    Done… 13 episodes in ~24 hours was intense and probably not worth it

    Just finished the entire run too. Would agree with the Top 10 but not elite assessment.

    Brody is the show. More so than Carrie or Saul or the CIA minutia, it is Brody and that whole hook. It would be a mistake to not pursue that story and its the story I think fans by and far would want.

    Brody is the show. More so than Carrie or Saul or the CIA minutia, it is Brody and that whole hook. It would be a mistake to not pursue that story and its the story I think fans by and far would want.

    Who benefits the most from all of the deaths at the CIA funeral? Who is now in charge of the CIA and was nearly about to be a pariah, but now is acting director?

    Who benefits the most from all of the deaths at the CIA funeral? Who is now in charge of the CIA and was nearly about to be a pariah, but now is acting director?

    I would have loved to see a Season 3 that was Carrie and Brody on the run, like a better Season 2 of Prison Break. I think as it is its set up for a manhunt for Brody which should be interesting.

    I would have loved to see a Season 3 that was Carrie and Brody on the run, like a better Season 2 of Prison Break. I think as it is its set up for a manhunt for Brody which should be interesting.

    You think? It would not stun me if Carrie is pregnant with Brody's baby. Could be an interesting twist

    You think? It would not stun me if Carrie is pregnant with Brody's baby. Could be an interesting twist

    I thought they did a great job on the whole of making the landing but that entire scene was ludicrous. Quinn's sudden 180 is just freaking unbelievable. And all this talk about "bad guys" seemed very simplistic.

    I thought they did a great job on the whole of making the landing but that entire scene was ludicrous. Quinn's sudden 180 is just freaking unbelievable. And all this talk about "bad guys" seemed very simplistic.

    Wag the Dog seemed like a movie that was seriously underfunded. Some good moments but its a poor man's compilation of a number of other films.

    Wag the Dog seemed like a movie that was seriously underfunded. Some good moments but its a poor man's compilation of a number of other films.

    @avclub-0130769689fc487f3a17c0535d859cd9:disqus I think I read somewhere Mud is going to be shown at Sundance. So maybe they pushed the release to 2013?