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    @avclub-3810ba39317d5de43b797ef37e81fc38:disqus I love this. I'm a fucking misogynist for not liking Carrie. Please look back at the comments. I *never* said she was a whore. Why would anyone call someone who fucks a married man in her car a whore?

    @Nemesis_Dawn:disqus Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I don't like Carrie because she is incompetent at her job, not because of her gender. Its petty of you to stoop to calling someone you disagree a misogynist. Its just not true.

    @Nemesis_Dawn:disqus Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I don't like Carrie because she is incompetent at her job, not because of her gender. Its petty of you to stoop to calling someone you disagree a misogynist. Its just not true.

    @avclub-4c22933415130955839224009df8641f:disqus Look back at what I wrote. I never called her a whore. It was actually @avclub-57d8f002bbe76e1a04c9170788b0a85a:disqus who suggested I thought she was that and all I said was you could make a case. Which you can. I don't think its relevant and there are a variety of

    @avclub-4c22933415130955839224009df8641f:disqus Look back at what I wrote. I never called her a whore. It was actually @avclub-57d8f002bbe76e1a04c9170788b0a85a:disqus who suggested I thought she was that and all I said was you could make a case. Which you can. I don't think its relevant and there are a variety of

    Because of the ridiculous double standard that makes people hate a 19 yo kid for a one time mistake and ignore the sins of grown men. Charlie Sheen fucking shot a woman and gets off relatively free. Chris Brown had one incident where his victim forgave him and people rage years later.

    Because of the ridiculous double standard that makes people hate a 19 yo kid for a one time mistake and ignore the sins of grown men. Charlie Sheen fucking shot a woman and gets off relatively free. Chris Brown had one incident where his victim forgave him and people rage years later.

    She is basically responsible for that asset who gave her information about Nazir being dead. She nearly fucked up the mission in Lebanon.

    She is basically responsible for that asset who gave her information about Nazir being dead. She nearly fucked up the mission in Lebanon.

    Outside of AVC I think my opinion is much more accepted. We have like a Carrie fan club here so I seem like an outlier. Carrie *is* a crazy person. That is a fact. She lies. You could describe her as a whore and be accurate. She is easily duped… again just a fact. She is fucking terrible at her job aside from one

    Outside of AVC I think my opinion is much more accepted. We have like a Carrie fan club here so I seem like an outlier. Carrie *is* a crazy person. That is a fact. She lies. You could describe her as a whore and be accurate. She is easily duped… again just a fact. She is fucking terrible at her job aside from one

    I'm with you. Its not a popular opinion in these circles but I just don't understand how you can watch Homeland and root for Carrie. Brody is the hero. A flawed hero but a hero nonetheless.

    I'm with you. Its not a popular opinion in these circles but I just don't understand how you can watch Homeland and root for Carrie. Brody is the hero. A flawed hero but a hero nonetheless.

    Amen. Damian Lewis is also continuing to just absolutely stun. Every single week I don't think he can sustain this performance and he does. So many different emotions and personalities. He is one character with his wife, this prick with Carrie, devoted father with Dana, War-Hero to the party goers, and no one knows

    Amen. Damian Lewis is also continuing to just absolutely stun. Every single week I don't think he can sustain this performance and he does. So many different emotions and personalities. He is one character with his wife, this prick with Carrie, devoted father with Dana, War-Hero to the party goers, and no one knows

    Maybe I'm just ignorant but I couldn't  figure out who the other black male was above AG Eric Holder. Was he someone important or just a random Prison official?

    Maybe I'm just ignorant but I couldn't  figure out who the other black male was above AG Eric Holder. Was he someone important or just a random Prison official?

    Did anyone else get the feeling that she was heavily implying Brody is going to die soon so you can have Jess? There was like a be patient and wait your turn vibe.

    Did anyone else get the feeling that she was heavily implying Brody is going to die soon so you can have Jess? There was like a be patient and wait your turn vibe.

    Brody is manipulating Carrie so blatantly its embarrassing that she can't tell.