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    Brody is manipulating Carrie so blatantly its embarrassing that she can't tell.

    SNL skewered Carrie and just had an awesome skit about Homeland this week.

    SNL skewered Carrie and just had an awesome skit about Homeland this week.

    Honestly Chris Brown will be fine. Most people in America and across the world don't care. Look at his success. Top 10 singles. Number 1 records. Something like 20 million fans on facebook. He is doing fine. Its a small, vocal minority that hates him.

    Honestly Chris Brown will be fine. Most people in America and across the world don't care. Look at his success. Top 10 singles. Number 1 records. Something like 20 million fans on facebook. He is doing fine. Its a small, vocal minority that hates him.

    Read the police report. Its up for debate IMO. Both seem like aggressors.

    Read the police report. Its up for debate IMO. Both seem like aggressors.

    He has served his sentence by the State of California. What more does he have to do? There have been no more incidents of DV since.

    He has served his sentence by the State of California. What more does he have to do? There have been no more incidents of DV since.

    Sure the incident was deplorable. But apparently everyone has moved on. Why not let him have a shot at redemption  I'm not going to try to guess why Chris Brown is singled out for permanent POS status and other male celebs guilty of similar incidents are not. Its very confusing. Why is Chris Brown, who was a teenager

    Sure the incident was deplorable. But apparently everyone has moved on. Why not let him have a shot at redemption  I'm not going to try to guess why Chris Brown is singled out for permanent POS status and other male celebs guilty of similar incidents are not. Its very confusing. Why is Chris Brown, who was a teenager

    You are an inspiration. Keep it up!

    You are an inspiration. Keep it up!

    Why are we supposed to hate Chris Brown again? Is a one time mistake something that damns you in this country now?

    Why are we supposed to hate Chris Brown again? Is a one time mistake something that damns you in this country now?

    AVC should just delete the comment.

    AVC should just delete the comment.

    Last name I would have ever guessed for "Mike"

    Last name I would have ever guessed for "Mike"

    Mike and Lauder are beginning to just be a drag. Mike more so because of how unlikable his character is but I think anytime you do a two regular guys playing PI its going to be bad. There was that terrible show on FX a couple years back that did this same thing. Conspiracy exposers are the most ridiculous TV trope. In