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    Mike and Lauder are beginning to just be a drag. Mike more so because of how unlikable his character is but I think anytime you do a two regular guys playing PI its going to be bad. There was that terrible show on FX a couple years back that did this same thing. Conspiracy exposers are the most ridiculous TV trope. In

    Is Dexter so bad it can't be named now? Haha

    Is Dexter so bad it can't be named now? Haha

    Carrie is being manipulated by Brody and because of her narcissism she can't see it. Its beyond her that she isn't the smartest person in the room. Brody seems to get underestimated but he has proven to have a talent for keeping himself alive and valuable. He avoided the suicide and became a Congressman. He avoided

    Carrie is being manipulated by Brody and because of her narcissism she can't see it. Its beyond her that she isn't the smartest person in the room. Brody seems to get underestimated but he has proven to have a talent for keeping himself alive and valuable. He avoided the suicide and became a Congressman. He avoided

    Are we sure its a bomb? I know that is the assumption because he was a bomb-maker and all but as far as I can remember there was no confirmation of that.

    Are we sure its a bomb? I know that is the assumption because he was a bomb-maker and all but as far as I can remember there was no confirmation of that.

    Carrie isn't exactly the most consistent person around. Erratic behavior is standard with her. I have to say, I enjoyed the fuck out of her blatant manipulation being called out though.

    Carrie isn't exactly the most consistent person around. Erratic behavior is standard with her. I have to say, I enjoyed the fuck out of her blatant manipulation being called out though.

    Awesome. Some us of don't watch the previews for a reason

    Awesome. Some us of don't watch the previews for a reason

    Its just another Carrie fuckup. If the show is having any form of realism Carrie and Saul are done. And probably Estes too.

    Its just another Carrie fuckup. If the show is having any form of realism Carrie and Saul are done. And probably Estes too.

    Lots of trains

    Lots of trains

    Brody is trying to protect himself at this point, so I agree with you. I think he is smarter than Carrie thinks he is and Carrie is a lot fucking stupider than she thinks she is. Carrie is in typical fashion already celebrating. I think Brody will eek it out and definitely fuck over Walden and Carrie.

    Brody is trying to protect himself at this point, so I agree with you. I think he is smarter than Carrie thinks he is and Carrie is a lot fucking stupider than she thinks she is. Carrie is in typical fashion already celebrating. I think Brody will eek it out and definitely fuck over Walden and Carrie.

    THANK YOU. I mean seriously, do people think Carrie (of all people, an incompetent, impulsive nutcase) turned Brody in mere hours. GTFO

    THANK YOU. I mean seriously, do people think Carrie (of all people, an incompetent, impulsive nutcase) turned Brody in mere hours. GTFO

    And Michael Fassbender wasn't even nominated.