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    I noticed some pics of him at TIFF and he looks like a younger Mitt Romney. And Fox is like the definition of classically good looking.

    Ehhh. Are people really going to believe the words of a washed up actor on Twitter. I checked out Dominic Monaghan's feed and it is kind of pathetic. I don't know if that is he is a legitimate source. Sounded more like sour grapes.

    Ehhh. Are people really going to believe the words of a washed up actor on Twitter. I checked out Dominic Monaghan's feed and it is kind of pathetic. I don't know if that is he is a legitimate source. Sounded more like sour grapes.

    Its because the show has so many hooks. I'm not a huge fan but they utilize a lot of stock character types that are relatable. It has an epic scope. And the motherfucking zombies. Its not exactly a shock why its such a big hit. And the serialisation gives them passionate fans.

    Its because the show has so many hooks. I'm not a huge fan but they utilize a lot of stock character types that are relatable. It has an epic scope. And the motherfucking zombies. Its not exactly a shock why its such a big hit. And the serialisation gives them passionate fans.

    Even if he is outed its still a moral victory, right? Think how demoralizing it must be to the US to have him outed. It would be more damaging to burn him and reveal then to just silently kill him off.

    Even if he is outed its still a moral victory, right? Think how demoralizing it must be to the US to have him outed. It would be more damaging to burn him and reveal then to just silently kill him off.

    That is a great point. I've just assumed he was the mole since he spoke arabic and alerted Estes earlier but he probably isn't.

    That is a great point. I've just assumed he was the mole since he spoke arabic and alerted Estes earlier but he probably isn't.

    He was…. He didn't bite right away when she was sending out major signals but he did bite at the end. He is a shitty friend.

    He was…. He didn't bite right away when she was sending out major signals but he did bite at the end. He is a shitty friend.

    He reminds me a lot of Michael Fassbender. It would be something if he had a similar career. Here is hoping to it.

    He reminds me a lot of Michael Fassbender. It would be something if he had a similar career. Here is hoping to it.

    Yeah, I'm not a fan of Jessica either. She totally would have fucked Mike if Brody didn't show up. And she was judging Tom Walker's wife for moving on despite doing so herself (later I know but still). I kind of wish Mike would step the fuck back from their family. He really shouldn't be able to hang around after

    Yeah, I'm not a fan of Jessica either. She totally would have fucked Mike if Brody didn't show up. And she was judging Tom Walker's wife for moving on despite doing so herself (later I know but still). I kind of wish Mike would step the fuck back from their family. He really shouldn't be able to hang around after

    Also random aside. Did they just not pick up Brody's son's option or is he sick or what? Because they haven't even shown his face this entire season. I'm not missing him by any means but his absence is kind of glaring.

    Also random aside. Did they just not pick up Brody's son's option or is he sick or what? Because they haven't even shown his face this entire season. I'm not missing him by any means but his absence is kind of glaring.

    Never ever watch the previews. I don't even watch em' for Dexter and that show generally sucks. Previews are not necessary or even recommended with serialized show.

    Never ever watch the previews. I don't even watch em' for Dexter and that show generally sucks. Previews are not necessary or even recommended with serialized show.

    So does Jess think Brody is fucking around on her again or has she connected this with him being muslim? The actress who played Jess was really fantastic too in the episode. Props.