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    So does Jess think Brody is fucking around on her again or has she connected this with him being muslim? The actress who played Jess was really fantastic too in the episode. Props.

    Outside of Breaking Bad this was one of the few episodes of TV where I had to go look and figure out who the Director was. It was really well shot.

    Outside of Breaking Bad this was one of the few episodes of TV where I had to go look and figure out who the Director was. It was really well shot.

    Brody is way too valuable to rid. Why would they want to unload someone as powerful and useful as him?

    Brody is way too valuable to rid. Why would they want to unload someone as powerful and useful as him?

    For some reason I thought it was going to be Mike. I don't know why but I was convinced it was going to be him and I don't think they even know one another.

    For some reason I thought it was going to be Mike. I don't know why but I was convinced it was going to be him and I don't think they even know one another.

    Damian Motherfucking Lewis. I feel like I'm raving about him every week but its just indescribable how good he is. Why is he not a movie star? I'm just in awe of him. So mesmerizing.

    Damian Motherfucking Lewis. I feel like I'm raving about him every week but its just indescribable how good he is. Why is he not a movie star? I'm just in awe of him. So mesmerizing.

    Affleck directing. I'm in. He is in a class with David Fincher for guaranteeing me showing up opening weekend. If Argo is even half as good as The Town or Gone Baby Gone it will be a success. And it looks amazing. I'm very, very excited.

    Affleck directing. I'm in. He is in a class with David Fincher for guaranteeing me showing up opening weekend. If Argo is even half as good as The Town or Gone Baby Gone it will be a success. And it looks amazing. I'm very, very excited.

    @avclub-57d8f002bbe76e1a04c9170788b0a85a:disqus @avclub-bc68599029928a93ff775e686c3be325:disqus Wow. People here suddenly got sensitive about word choice? Perhaps too strong of a word. She is incredibly unlikable. I would go close to despicable with her persecution of Brody (that yes happened to be correct out of

    @avclub-57d8f002bbe76e1a04c9170788b0a85a:disqus @avclub-bc68599029928a93ff775e686c3be325:disqus Wow. People here suddenly got sensitive about word choice? Perhaps too strong of a word. She is incredibly unlikable. I would go close to despicable with her persecution of Brody (that yes happened to be correct out of

    A person can still be judged on her actions even if she has a "disease". It doesn't make her actions acceptable. She knew she had a condition and chose not to treat it, therefor she is responsible for her actions. Is an alcoholic not responsible for their actions just because they have a disease?

    A person can still be judged on her actions even if she has a "disease". It doesn't make her actions acceptable. She knew she had a condition and chose not to treat it, therefor she is responsible for her actions. Is an alcoholic not responsible for their actions just because they have a disease?

    Well… Thanks!

    Well… Thanks!

    @avclub-e722740bb91c5694c21f2c3a5b05b131:disqus No argument that Claire Danes is doing a helluva job. I still think she is totally unlkable and not even in an anti-hero way. Just a cunt. I think if you look at her actions from the start of the show its all been selfish. She risked the source's life to try to get

    @avclub-e722740bb91c5694c21f2c3a5b05b131:disqus No argument that Claire Danes is doing a helluva job. I still think she is totally unlkable and not even in an anti-hero way. Just a cunt. I think if you look at her actions from the start of the show its all been selfish. She risked the source's life to try to get

    So many reasons to hate. I think she incredibly selfish and self-centered and arrogant. She is hell-set on her "hunches". Doesn't play by the rules. Harassed Brody for all of Season 1 with no evidence. She has interfered in (at least) two marriages. She doesn't protect who she is supposed to protect - her sources. She