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    Love the Radio douches playing victim afterwords. They crossed a line. Bieber had every right to hang up.

    So Channing Tatum is now a bona fide movie star. I don't think anyone could have called this 12 months ago.

    So Channing Tatum is now a bona fide movie star. I don't think anyone could have called this 12 months ago.

    Or FX gets greedy and pumps out more shit and replaces their quality shows

    Or FX gets greedy and pumps out more shit and replaces their quality shows

    I'm shocked the fat kid from 2.5 men doesn't have a cocaine problem. You would think being in close proximity with Sheen would rub off a little

    I'm shocked the fat kid from 2.5 men doesn't have a cocaine problem. You would think being in close proximity with Sheen would rub off a little

    I'm a fan of Miss Stewart's work in general. If you haven't seen Adventureland I'd highly recommend it. Stewart is amazing in it and its a great movie. I have a hard time buying the hate when she has been terrific in multiple films I've seen. I genuinely think she is talented. With her its bleedover hatred from

    I'm a fan of Miss Stewart's work in general. If you haven't seen Adventureland I'd highly recommend it. Stewart is amazing in it and its a great movie. I have a hard time buying the hate when she has been terrific in multiple films I've seen. I genuinely think she is talented. With her its bleedover hatred from

    Do real guys actually do this? I don't know anyone who goes to a strip club on any sort of regular basis.

    Do real guys actually do this? I don't know anyone who goes to a strip club on any sort of regular basis.

    Isn't Executive Producer just a token credit? I was under the impression Producer is more important than Exec Producer.

    Isn't Executive Producer just a token credit? I was under the impression Producer is more important than Exec Producer.

    He isn''t a Robert Downey Jr level of Movie Star but I think he is in the Jake Gylennhaal/Ryan Gosling level. He is a "name" and his movies generally do well enough. Look at the grosses for 21 Jump St & The Vow…. granted not all because of Tatum but both opened to ~40 mil and made 120 mil without any real genre

    He isn''t a Robert Downey Jr level of Movie Star but I think he is in the Jake Gylennhaal/Ryan Gosling level. He is a "name" and his movies generally do well enough. Look at the grosses for 21 Jump St & The Vow…. granted not all because of Tatum but both opened to ~40 mil and made 120 mil without any real genre

    Tyler Perry

    Tyler Perry

    Why did Matthew Fox never end up becoming a movie star? He has all the requisite skills and looks. Its kind of disappointing to see him relegated to playing the baddie in a Tyler Perry film.

    Why did Matthew Fox never end up becoming a movie star? He has all the requisite skills and looks. Its kind of disappointing to see him relegated to playing the baddie in a Tyler Perry film.

    Personally I think Monahan is the bigger scumbag. Zero loyalty and rumor mongering is lower in my book than what Fox may or may not have done