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    Personally I think Monahan is the bigger scumbag. Zero loyalty and rumor mongering is lower in my book than what Fox may or may not have done

    To be fair Kristen Stewart is a far, far more talented dramatic actor than Tyler Perry. Its almost offensive to put her in the same class.

    To be fair Kristen Stewart is a far, far more talented dramatic actor than Tyler Perry. Its almost offensive to put her in the same class.

    Hilarious considering he was a victim of child sexual abuse

    Hilarious considering he was a victim of child sexual abuse

    I'm not disputing that he has had help to get to where he is but how is he different than any other mainstream artist? I just don't get why he gets singled out. There are tons of other people that are in the same boat that get away with little flack. But Bieber needs to be mocked. To an outside observer it just seems

    I'm not disputing that he has had help to get to where he is but how is he different than any other mainstream artist? I just don't get why he gets singled out. There are tons of other people that are in the same boat that get away with little flack. But Bieber needs to be mocked. To an outside observer it just seems

    Am the only person who actually thinks this guy is genuinely talented? He isn't the brightest kid around but he is a gifted vocalist and seems to be likable enough. I've never understood the hate for him.

    Am the only person who actually thinks this guy is genuinely talented? He isn't the brightest kid around but he is a gifted vocalist and seems to be likable enough. I've never understood the hate for him.

    Its crazy. I saw it on VOD years ago as a joke because it looked like total shit and it turned out to be surprisingly decent. There were definitely some good moments in it.

    Its crazy. I saw it on VOD years ago as a joke because it looked like total shit and it turned out to be surprisingly decent. There were definitely some good moments in it.

    Meet Dave was pretty funny

    Meet Dave was pretty funny

    Complaining about Nickelback is the lamest fucking thing in the world. They deliver a product that their fans appreciate and desire. You can't begrudge them for that. They are doing their job. Its not for everyone but why shit on someone for liking something you don't?

    Complaining about Nickelback is the lamest fucking thing in the world. They deliver a product that their fans appreciate and desire. You can't begrudge them for that. They are doing their job. Its not for everyone but why shit on someone for liking something you don't?

    Barack Obama: Muslim, Communist, Baby Slayer

    Barack Obama: Muslim, Communist, Baby Slayer

    My favorite Bristol Palin story is how she tried to re-write her history to essentially insinuiate that Levi raped her by getting her wasted on wine coolers. Such a scumbag.

    My favorite Bristol Palin story is how she tried to re-write her history to essentially insinuiate that Levi raped her by getting her wasted on wine coolers. Such a scumbag.

    Now if it was on HGTV….