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    Oh come on. I thought it was in good fun.

    Nichol's had a really great song on Take Shelter's soundtrack last year too. I think with Lucero specifically their newer stuff has been a lot better and more polished. And you can't really replicate Ben's voice. Its one of a kind.

    To go off the topic of Springsteen's best albums. What are his best individual songs?

    Regardless of if he knows the lyrics or not it is nice to see him pass the torch. I'm a huge Gaslight Anthem fan as a direct result of seeing that video a couple years ago. Springsteen performing with you gives a band instant credibility in my mind. If Springsteen likes you then you must be good.

    "Nebraska" is just a work of art. Its the first album I ever heard that put me in a different state of mind. Its just perfect in every way.

    I obviously don't agree with Cameron's sentiments. I figured that much would be clear. If you watched Cameron his delivery was not explosive and he made his points fairly respectfully. The content is far out of the mainstream of American society. He does have a right to believe that. He wasn't calling for the

    Johnson is a far superior actor than Statham. Far more range and he has a likeable screen presence. Statham has zero range and somehow has built himself a nice little career. Good for Statham but I don't think he has that much appeal.

    I hate people like you. Its totally fine that almost every production is whitewashed but God forbid a little color is injected. And Dwayne Johnson is not really black at all from a purely pigmentation perspective

    I don't think what he said was outrageous. It is certainly not to the level of what Limbaugh said. It was his thoughts on a certain lifestyle based on his understanding of his faith. People can disagree but its not at all surprising that he would say that and it is his right to say that. What exactly did people expect

    Regarding Young Adult Charlize Theron's character is up there among the most unlikable protagonists ever in my mind. I can't remember a single redeeming characteristic she had. Even other anti-heroes are somewhat likable. Mavis was just a bitch.

    The Last Kiss. A Zach Braff melodrama that was much better than I expected. By no means great but it had several amazingly realistic argument scenes in it. Kind of dumb at times but I enjoyed it. And there were several cast members who were clearly slumming (Casey Affleck & Tom Wilkinson).

    What the fuck is going on what Sandler's accent?

    Spanglish was not bad either. He has maybe 3 good movie in the last 15 years

    I agree. It feels like podcasts are ubiquitous but outside of a niche audience it isn't really widespread. The only podcast I know people in real life listen to is Simmons' podcast.

    I've read the police report which is actually more a summation of the allegations against him. Its not pretty. I think it probably was exaggerated but he did hit her so regardless of if he was hit first or egged on or whatever it was wrong. I think he has paid his price though. The State of California gave him a

    I'm not trying to start an argument here but do you really want to live in a country where someone goes to jail for snatching a phone? That seems so unbelievably harsh.

    Are people still acting like Chris Brown is the black Hitler. I think the hate has gotten way overboard. Its been 3 years. How long are people supposed to hold a grudge for a stupid isolated incident done by a teenager?

    Not happening. You almost sound like a birther saying "Obama is going to be removed and sent to prison". Chris Brown is not going to go to jail for "sudden snatching". He wound't go to jail if he was a random 20 year old. He sure as hell isn't going to jail as a multi-millionaire celebrity

    I almost felt uncomfortable for him because the interviewer kept bringing up Little Fockers when he has made several other films and isn't even promoting Little Fockers.

    Congrats you just saved 10 bucks. Now go get lunch at McDonalds with your savings