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    The Sitter made 30 mil which isn't a total flop considering Hill was the only name in the movie.  Especially in comparison to say Your Highness/30 Min or Less/etc which made similar money with more "stars"

    I hate Jonah Hill but I think 21 Jump Street is going to be pretty fun. I'm feeling a lot of Pineapple Express style vibes

    I think Franco fluctuates from mindblowingly good to mediocre depending on the budget of the project. If its a big budget studio movie he is going to be mediocre. If it isn't he is a revelation. I don't think its disputable that he is a gifted actor though

    Especially if he is Rick Santorum

    I have no clue where you are from but do you honestly believe the contraception issue is going to WIN the GOP votes? Are you serious? Foreign Policy is Obama's strength. The economy is improving. I suppose he could fuck up and get a mistress or do something incredibly stupid but its unlikely

    In all seriousness what is the percentage chance Obama isn't re-elected? 5%? Dude is a lock with against these two faced clowns

    How does some country singer get roles in such big movies? Yoakam was good in the only movie I have ever seen him in (the criminally underrated Panic Room) but it is odd that he would win roles in such prominent pictures

    I've seen it twice and it doesn't hold up well but when I watched it when it came out it killed in the theater. Every single person was laughing and it was packed 3 weeks after opening weekend. I really think you and our pal are in the minority in hating the movie. It was fun.

    Needs a little more racism to be a classic Lobsters line

    @avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus The room basically went silent and Sudeikis said something about like he wouldn't normally address it b/c its so private and Maron started back tracking and blamed his girlfriend for asking. Eventually he said its not his baby

    Its a crazy analogy. It is like saying Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and some random congressman

    I've seen most of the episodes and it just isn't my cup of tea. Its way too aggressively dickish. Sort of like Observe & Report on steroids. I don't really care for that style of humor. I think the celeb cameos are fun (Ferrell, McCounaghey) and some of the stuff with the desperate lackey friend/bitch is enjoyable

    How the fuck do you forget he was in Horrible Bosses? He was the lead

    He has always come across as really likable to me as well. He did Bill Simmon's podcast a couple years ago and seemed quite affable. That WTF has to be one of the more memorable ones if only for Maron asking him if he was January Jones' baby daddy and Sudeikis's response

    @avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus Just from this year. Drive is great. Of all of his recent movies that is my recommendation for one to start with. Ides of March and Crazy Stupid Love are both solid too.

    I haven't seen most of JGL's gritty early/mid 2000s indies so I can't say too much about him. Fassbender exudes power and charisma on the screen like few others though. I recently saw a small film he did called Fishtank and had my mind blown again. Outside of A Dangerous Method he has been amazing in everything I have

    Michael Fassbender is hands down the best actor under 35 working today. Anyone care to disagree?

    I know its crazy. Did Fassbender spurn the AVC?

    The Good Wife is the only show I can think off the top of my head set in Chicago where as the list is endless for NYC

    Not white…..