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    Chris Brown is a little too dark to be forgiven.

    No I have heard about the GMA incident. I am sympathetic to him. After some point he shouldn't have to answer questions repeatedly. Obviously his reaction was over the top but natural.

    People watch the NHL?

    Mel Gibson prior to the Oscars?

    That is the crazy thing. For all of this holier than thou bullshit of defending women guess who loves Chris Brown?

    I feel like I'm on an island on this but why exactly should Chris Brown be a pariah? Domestic abuse is so common. If Brown was a normal guy. He would have been booked. Charges would have been dropped. His girlfriend would take him back and everyone would move on.

    His album debuted at #1 last year. He had numerous top 10 singles. Its not like his career was in a bad place.

    Wait. I thought America hated Chris Brown and was going to boycott the Grammys?

    Seriously just shut the fuck up. Its borderline ridiculous the faux outrage that is reserved for only Chris Brown. I won't speculate to why he must become a pariah but other abusers like Charlie Sheen (who shot a woman) are harmless jokes. He shouldn't have a career because of one incident of domestic violence? The

    Got to love the indignant rage about this. He has paid his price. His victim forgave him. Move on already god dammit.

    In all seriousness its insulting to the caliber of the cast they have to include a second rate comic from a lowly rated sitcom.

    Fassbender has basically got one movie coming out this year and he is in a supporting role. Its a waste of talent for him to sit around

    I'll stop by for 15 minutes

    I think any other similar A List actor could have done a better job than Reynolds. Imagine Michael Fassbender or Ryan Gosling in his role. Its kind of ridiculous he still keeps getting roles in major projects

    The story did sound believable up until the part where the girl is crying. If it actually went down what kind of girl is so stupid/naive as to expect a huge TV star who fucked her to call her and start dating her.

    Not at all worthy of a "D". A little contrived and forced but it is a good album. I think the backlash has gone too far. Who cares about authenticity. There are several great songs on the album.

    Come on you can't compare Dwayne Johnson and Sean William Scott to Steve Carell, Jack Black, Nic Cage, etc. Its like comparing low B list stars to more or less A list stars

    I think The Descendents should have gotten more praise. Its legitimately the best film made this year and it isn't hokey or blatant Oscar bait. It absolutely deserved a Supporting Actress nom for Shailene Woodley.

    Fassbender. Fassbender. Fassbender.

    Clearly Bateman. Cera has had no longevity. He had two good movie come out immediately after and more or less nothing. Bateman has been in generally decent movies and had some variety (Hancock, State of Play).