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    Simmons & Klosterman's podcasts together are the B.S. Report's peak. There were several in the spring during the Charlie Sheen meltdown that were amazing.

    Quite the hard hitting interview we have here. Its a good interview but it seems awfully friendly

    Its nice to see a comment thread that isn't amateur comedians trying to make one line jokes. The Good Wife reviews were similar in tone of comments too if I remember correctly

    Probably around September of next year. Usually they don't release the DVDs until just before the new season

    @avclub-751aba6c2e6c52a659661171026ceef3:disqus You think 15 military operatives and defense officials is not equal to 84 children? Those victims are at least somewhat guilty. The children were totally innocent.

    OK. What reasoning does Carrie have aside from Brody spurned her and the original "An American prisoner of war has been turned". Carrie is operating on a hunch and could have destroyed a man's relationship with his family. She is a lunatic who lucked out and happened to be guess correctly. Brody's intentions are a lot

    No they don't have to be good to be a hero. Walter White is likable. Carrie is not likable to me. I can't root for someone I hate. Even in Breaking Bad for all of Walter's sins he is still a good guy in my mind. Carrie is just a psychotic woman with a grudge.

    Its evil for her to continuously assume the worst of Brody. What evidence or reasoning did she have for thinking that Brody was a terrorist after thinking he was innocent four episodes ago. The only thing that changed is Brody spurned her. That is it. She got lucky in that her insane assumption was correct but that

    I liked Sleeper Cell but the Starz level of nudity and sex ended up being way too distracting. It got to be ridiculous and out of place

    I feel like most of HBO's shows have no stakes whatsoever. Hung, Entourage, NY Entourage, Enlightened, etc. are all luxury shows. Their good hour longs are all retro like Boardwalk and technically Game of Thrones.

    Is Carrie the villain now?

    I think the daughter should get some props. People have been commenting about the annoyingness of her characters but I thought she was close to perfect this week.

    This is Showtime. Its a lock for nine seasons

    At least I didn't have to see a dude sitting on a toilet with those

    Forgetting Sarah Marshall - Modest Hit (63 million US)
    Get Him To The Greek - Modest Hit (60 million US)
    Arthur - Somewhat of a flop (33 million US)

    You aren't wrong. The acting in general on Glee is fairly mediocre and overblown. Its just not from Colfer

    Chris Colfer is actually talented. I have no issues with him winning last year. If they were really savvy they would throw some noms the way of the Twilight folks

    If they were going to nominate a young buzzy actor they should have gone with Armie Hammer. He was far better than Hill was in Moneyball.

    Fair points. I was ranting. I think I just hated that movie for a variety of reasons. There are certain works of art that people love or hate for very specific personal reasons that don't make a ton of sense.

    For whatever reason Captain America had a buzz that suggested it was this awesome retro throwback movie when instead it was a long boring uber-patriotic piece of garbage. You really picked the worst of the major tentpoles to go watch.