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    Tim Tebow side hugs

    I was on a run of not seeing a single terrible movie up until August when I watched Captain America. This year has been really good in terms of blockbusters and reboots being well done. Fast Five was amazing. X-Men First Class was excellent. Hell Transformers was even decent.

    Somewhat related. Which of Liz's boyfriends is the best? My favorite had to be Wesley Snipes/Michael Sheen. Grew from annoying to being one of my favorite characters

    Blame Whitney

    Not really. Occasionally funny. Frequently cringe worthy.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say George Clooney signed on to The Descendents more because of Alexander Payne than the original script.

    To be fair Parks & Rec is not that bad ratings wise. I think with DVR + 7 its almost a 3.0 rating.

    Its interesting that NBC can launch reality shows to big ratings (Fear Factor & The Voice) but can't get anyone to turn out to any of their scripted fares. Hopefully their luck turns around soon

    McConaughey killed it. The first and only time I have ever been impressed by him in a film. He was perfectly cast

    I wonder if someone is going to take you up on this. That is a long fucking comment. If it was shorter I would even though I know this is a gimmick. A good gimmick poster would be just a poster who comments exclusively in Spanish

    How embarrassing it must be to promote a song titled, "Booty Wurk (One Cheek At A Time),”

    20. The Lincoln Lawyer

    I have thought about that movie a lot since watching it. Probably as much as any film I have seen this year. I thought the way they handled the complexity of the girl's relationship with Charlie was great. It was a hard movie to watch though. I thought there were a couple scenes that were cry worthy. I think there was

    Where can normal folks see Margaret? People keep describing it as a masterpiece and it was barely released in theaters.

    Trust is a really underrated movie. I don't think anyone has said a thing about it. Don't know if it is Oscar worthy but it was excellent. The acting was excellent especially by the girl and the pedo.

    I feel like this year hasn't been too bad of a year for movies. Even the ones that looked godawful turned out to be ok (or even great in some cases like X-Men, Fast Five, Apes). The only really awful movies I saw were Captain America (total garbage and snoozefest) and Your Highness (too stupid to describe).

    Kevin Smith = Art in what world?

    Its basically like a Canadian 90210 style show with high school issues. I have only seen a couple episodes so I'm not an expert. The issue these guys had was a transgender character being on the show.

    I'm curious to see what the resident racist says too.

    Its pretty easy to comment on Deadline. Probably just first time readers who are wing nuts. Usually the folks on that site are just unbelievably cynical. If you ever read the weekend box office articles the people commenting will say without fail that every movie is a flop. Even if its fucking Transformers. So I