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    I don't know if that character was supposed to be so damn unlikable though. I wanted to kill that kid.

    Is he the most memorable part of Zodiac? Of course not. I would agree with you that Ruffalo was (at least for me) and the guy that played Arthur Leigh Allen the most memorable.

    Its a little melodramitic but its a perfectly fine movie. Certainly not worth any hate or derision.

    Michael Douglass as a philandering husband is amazing. Its a shame he doesn't take cheating husband roles more often

    How could you hate Jamie Foxx?

    James Franco. He comes across as unbelievably pretentious and is pretty shitty in a lot of his roles. Like a model trying to act quality. Examples: Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Your Highness, Date Night

    Downey is out of the movie at the half way point. Ruffalo doesn't have that much screen time (maybe 30 min). Anthony Edwards had maybe 15 lines. Zodiac is Gyllennhaal's movie.

    Have you seen "The Squid and the Whale". He is fucking unsufferble in that film.

    Gylennhaal gets a lot of hate in these quarters but he can't suck and be a part of so many great movies. Brokeback Mountain and Zodiac (are in my biased opinion) the two greatest movies of the last ten years.

    Cloverfield is one of the worst movies released in the last ten years. Nauseating garbage

    Eh. Romney isn't that bad compared to the other guys running

    In my experience really genuinely religious people are quite nice. The assholes are the folks that say they are religious but go to Church on Easter & Christmas.

    Renner was magnificent in The Town. I can see why he is being given the helm of every single franchise in Hollywood

    Every theology course I have taken the priest always tries to point out the Song of Soloman as an example of how cool Catholicism is.

    I'm always curious because to me (someone who didn't grow up with an active faith) it doesn't sound that bad. Sure you have to deal with some bullshit that you don't agree with or understand but you still have a built in community and are indoctinted with values (90% of which are great things).

    Its like he was actively seeking the most homely looking Morman girl possible. Generally speaking Mormons are fairly attractive but his girl….

    They gave racism up in 1979!!!!

    His solo album (Flamingo) is pretty good. Its kind dependent on your taste but he is certainly talented

    The craziest thing about this video is how unattractive physically Flowers' wife is. Dude is the lead singer of a huge rock band and he settles for that? She must have a killer personality

    Come on. The Killers are probably in the top 5 of mainstream American rock bands. By any definition he is a "rock star"