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    To be fair Mitt Romney is not a nut-job (relative to his peers)

    I keep getting the sense that she is scared of Brody. The difference in the pilot between the friend's soft caring love making and Brody's rough violent hammering away made it seem like she didn't want to be there. And the night tremors or attacks probably don't help.

    I doubt anyone has read this but Harlan Coben (popular fiction mystery author) wrote a book a few years ago with the villains being this cult of white preppy islamic terrorists who were adopted and raised by terrorists. First thing that I though of when I saw the woman

    Brody's wife's face when he was vigorously masturbating was something else. You could feel her uncomfort and disgust. Overall another great episode though.

    The thing that is starting to get grating (perhaps because its in the credits) is her I missed something on 9/11 shtick. As if she could have stopped an attack. There are a lot of annoying traits in her character (you hit most of them). I don't know if its so much Danes herself or the character. The character reminds

    I think Damian Lewis is going to be joining Cranston, Hamm, etc. next year. He is playing that role so perfectly

    Maybe I'm crazy but this has got to be the best start to a show on Showtime in years. Back to back phenomenal episodes.

    I'm not saying its perfect but I enjoyed it quite a bit. There are a couple other really nice tracks on the album along with the title track like "Old Haunts" which is one of my favorite Gaslight songs. It definitely doesn't stick with you like The 59' Sound but its not garbage by any means in my opinion.

    American Slang gets better and better everytime you listen to it. And anything is going to be disappointing after The 59' Sound

    "I finally nailed that cunt"

    It looks pretty bad but I would be stunned it is not a smash hit. Hugh Jackman + robots + special effects + fighting. There is definitely an audience for that

    Completely disagree. I loved the Anna Kendrick character and I felt her and JGL had great chemistry. The scene where SPOILER Levitt is having a breakdown and calls her was kind of touching.

    "And I ran around America with a crew of about 30 or 40 Indians and a real stuck-up Indian starlet bitch"

    Not film but I was a sucker for the whole Josh-Donna relationship on The West Wing. A little drawn out but the chemistry was great and there was a lot of drama

    From what I understand they had James McAvoy signed on earlier. Levitt is a pretty great actor though

    The one with Andy Richter as a creepy older gay guy who Arnett is trying to impress was funny too. But it wasn't a great show by any means

    I forgot about that one. Fair enough.

    Rogen is actually the Green Hornet, a mall cap, amateur porn actor, a stand up comic, and cuckolded husband. The irrational hate for Rogen is ridiculous

    I have a feeling this is going to be more humorous. Apatow has a tendency to be a little melodramatic. Rogen's non-Apatow movies have all been pretty hilarious. The guy's track record is near impeccable with comedy. And its at like 90% on RT.

    Is that dad really considered so attractive that women throw themselves at him like whores? He seems like a really average looking guy. It got gradually more and more ridiculous as the women in the show obsess over this guy as if he looks like George Clooney