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    I guess its nice to see Prime get some more content. I haven't used it in a few weeks but last time I checked their content was shameful. Literally all either second rate British shows, documentaries, or really old B movies.

    If you know The Green Hornet is an action comedy and go in with lowered expectations it can be a lot of fun. I loved it and a lot of people I know have enjoyed it but you can't expect The Dark Knight. Its essentially Pineapple Express for a superhero with a far larger budget.

    I think the thing that makes Limitless a step above an average thriller is how stylishly it was directed. It was kind of distracting but the crazy/unique shit they did made the movie interesting.

    It was playing like a comedy with the audience I saw it with as well. The one thing that I was surprised was by was how old the crowd was. It was at least half 60+

    3D should die but the most grievous cash grab 3D isn't found in concert films. Its the 3D post-conversion that makes a film look like shit for $3 more. Like Clash of the Titans or The Last Airbender

    Its only marginally worse than what Community put up most of last year. I would venture to say that it trends older though so..

    Welcome to America

    The guy looks like a fucking Holocaust survivor now

    "I have a warrant out for a totally nonviolent crime"

    Regarding The Sitter. Why does David Gordon Green make such shitty movies now? Pineapple Express was actually funny so I can understand the change of pace but Your Highness is truly a piece of shit and The Sitter looks no better. Kind of a waste of talent

    In what sense? I felt like the ending was kind of abrupt. Maybe they could have avoided/edited out 1 of the 3 story lines (the french journalist) but the two other plots were really really compelling

    Just my opinion but I think your original assessment is accurate

    Eastwood should have gotten a nomination for Hereafter. By far the most underrated film of 2010.

    Give him some credit. Its not as if he is headlining mediocre films. Almost every movie he's in has been good to great (caveat the last five or so years).

    In Treatment is a pure acting showcase (not saying that in a negative way at all) and the quality of some of the performances on that show were mind blowing.

    Kinda disappointed they edited out Jeselnik's Casey Anthony joke.

    Some people are still angry about this?

    Starz literally requires it

    I read an interview a few months ago where he basically said he turned down the chance to take superhero roles. He would be quite an upgrade over the likes of Chris Evans though

    Why was he casting porn stars for this movie? Seems like the last place one would go to find quality acting