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    All the big critics (Sepinwall,Goodman, etc.) were calling this disappointing and mediocre. Gotta agree with you that it was definitely better than advertised.

    Really? Perry is flawed but is honest. I would rather have something that is kind of rare for TV aired than another show aimed at hipster douchebags. Team Coco for life

    Which debuted 5 years after LOST did

    Exactly. Entourage has never been great and really hasn't even been good in at least 3 years. Why anyone would reasonable expect anything else is beyond me. Especially considering the last two episodes prior to the finale were among the show's worse.

    I saw it earlier today and I though it was really well done. It wasn't perfect but it was terrifying at times and an interesting movie on the whole. The film was an absolute treat visually and the sound/score was wonderful as well. I would have given it in the B+/A- type grade.

    The Jude Law character was eerily similar to the guy in WWZ who creates the fake antidote and moves to Antartica. The same ensemble format they used in Contagion would have been perfect for World War Z

    I was around that age at the time. Not now

    Wedding Crashers. The tits were glorious and totally unexpected. I don't think at that time I had even seen a film with blatant nudity.

    Jeremy Piven and Dane Cook

    "fill the void for intelligent, feisty female sleuths".

    From the clip of Boss it seemed like Grammar was playing the mayor of Chicago. I wonder what party that would be? If he is the mayor of any urban city in all likelihood the character is a Democrat (if they are going for realism)

    Guetta is a God. Why do cynics have to hate so damn much? Just sit back and appreciate the greatness

    Not a fan of his at all. But he has had way more than one successful single. Like at least three that I can think of off the top of my head

    I tip my hat to you. You seem like a true patriot

    If it was on Showtime it would have had like 9 seasons and turned to shit after season 1

    I thought it was apparent/accepted that Vince Chase = Mark Wahlberg

    Maron probably shouldn't have asked. It was in poor taste. But that said Sudeikis didn't really avoid talking about anything else so Maron must have thought he would have been cool with it. The dude was freely talking about his ex-wife, what he's attracted to, etc. so its understandable that Maron thought maybe

    After listening to both of the Anthony Jeselnik podcasts (Making It and WTF) gave me more of an appreciation for Maron. I don't know if it because guests view him more as an equal or a guy who has lived it but he gets so much more raw stuff out of guests. Its kind of incredible. If there was only a way to get past

    30 Rock. any one that overuses Kenneth

    Is Lost considered a great TV show though?