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    "I put mustard on mine like an idiot"

    Even by Entourage standards that seemed too lucky. And its inconceivable to me that Phil could go from being a total hard ass to a pushover in less than 60 seconds.

    I think you are misconstruing my comments. I don't approve of or support beating the shit out of people. But is  one case of domestic violence enough to end a person's career. No (and clearly based on Brown's continued success a person can withstand a damaging scandal). I really think I am in the majority on this.

    Shakespeare is absolute perfection. And he was the best part of the Trump roast

    For one (as far as anyone knows) isolated incident he should become a pariah. Thats not how things work now or ever - no matter how heinous the act famous people usually get multiple chances. Nobody mentions prior records with other folks with violent records. Saying a guy should be tagged as a villain for what could

    Damn. You guys hate Chris Brown with a passion. God knows he is the only ex-con to ever appear on MTV

    It was released commercially and she got paid off it a few years ago

    Rudd has proven he can carry and open films over the last few years as a lead which is probably more important to those who decide these things. For this specific role there are like you say several comedic actors who are better but for the typical Paul Rudd straight man role there aren't that many actors who are

    The best part about this girl is that she claims to be an uber christian who saved herself till marriage.

    It definitely seems similar to the great one season NBC series Kings.

    I don't know if Cohen could pull it off now with knowledge of his characters being near universal but an Ali G movie in the style of Borat or Bruno would be amazing. Ali G is a far far better character than either of Bruno or Borat.

    The thing is The Tourist didn't flop. It made over 275 million globally. In what world is that a flop?

    After seeing the piece of shit that is Your Highness I've lost a lot of respect for McBride. If he's in a movie in a starring role its usually a warning sign that the movie is bad. In supporting/cameo roles he's not bad.

    I have just stuck with entourage because this is the final season and like you have been unimpressed this season but tonight's episode was probably the best in 4 years.

    Does anyone like Meghan McCain? Aside from folks in the media who even cares what she thinks. She is a sub-par writer (and that is being generous) and has no real life experience. The woman gets attention every once and a while by being contrarian and not knowing anything. Why she gets attention and seemingly respect

    Best part of the episode
    Larry artificially deepening his voice in order to prove his honesty

    @Ghaleon I liked the idea (despite its lack of originality) of what the messiah would be like today. I don't think the novel was perfect (far from it) but I like Frey's style of writing and the topic itself is compelling. Frey has a tendency to be simplistic and in the Final Testament his premise was the Jesus

    In terms of blockbuster films its been pretty impressive in my opinion. Fast Five was a joy, as was X-Men First Class, and HP 7.2 was well done. Its not really fair to judge the prestige or quality films of a year in July anyways.

    James Frey's Final Testament of the Holy Bible
    Certainly not the best novel I have read this year but one of the most interesting and readable. I was kind of surprised the AVC didn't review it.

    Basically every series was amazing this year. Its a testament to the NBA's growth that match up such as OKC-Memphis could be so compelling. That triple OT game was one of the most enjoyable games I have seen in a while.