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    The network connectivity joke was a great joke that got ruined for me because NBC ran it in like 200 promos

    Alec Baldwin?

    To play devil's advocate how is Chris Brown any worse than the any number of celebrities with criminal/personal failings. Its not like he has (as far as anyone knows) a constant record of domestic violence (like say a Charlie Sheen). Calling him a low life piece of shit seems to far for what could have been one

    You have to see Boy A to appreciate Garfield. He is absolutely tremendous in the film.

    To be fair to Cranston beggars cannot be choosy. The option to choose "only the best writing" is not for rookies. A 3 time Emmy winner can pick only the best projects - a broke actor cannot.

    I feel like the boring complaint could be fairly applied to something like Mad Men more so than Breaking Bad. The first three episodes are just lightning action. It does slow down a little in the middle stretch of the season before getting more fast paced at the end of S01.

    The appeal of a mediocre show like Criminal Minds is simple and understandable. In 41 minutes we'll solve a mystery that is moderately interesting with characters that the audience likes. I wouldn't call that F-grade material or even necessarily bad.

    Wait. How do you like Nolan if you haven't seen any of his films? I don't even know how/if thats possible. The man has 4 iconic films in the last 10 years.

    The cash grab has turned out to be a genius move for Warner Bros though. And honestly as a fan I would rather have a total of 4-5 hours for a finale rather than 2.

    Yeah its not even close if I had to pick Leon or Cheryl. Leon is gold in every scene he is in. Cheryl not so much.

    Hopefully Showtime's hilarious comedies steal some more nominations. If fucking Nurse Jackie or The Big C is nominated and Parks & Rec is looked over it would be a travesty.

    Bateman's one recent role in which he hasn't played his typical straight man was his best - State of Play. He plays a materialistic, douchey, coke-head and is wonderful.


    I think you could reasonably argue that One Republic is the best mainstream pop/rock band that is currently producing music.

    There was a faux controversy a while back over a Lady Gaga video and blasphemy. Katy Perry said something to the extent that the video was offensive and it was beneath her. The complete lack of self awareness required to call someone else offensive is stunning.

    Finally saw X-Men
    By far the best of the franchise. I had more or less sworn off the series after Wolverine but First Class was really impressive. Both Mcavoy and Fassbender were both absolutely terrific (especially Fassbender).

    It would be mean but I would love to read it. Whose legacy wouldn't benefit from checking out after their best work though? Michael Jordan has to be on that list (though artist he was not). Any veteran actor like a DeNiro, Pacino, or even Ben Kingsley. Or what if Heroes never runs past Season 1, Dexter past Season 2

    If Kennedy doesn't die you could make an argument that Civil Rights legislation doesn't pass for at least ten more years. No Medicare/Medicaid. Johnson was a far more effective President than JFK

    Heath Ledger
    if he lived he certainly wouldn't have won an Oscar

    I think the network brand plays a role. If The Good Wife was on HBO/AMC it would be beloved. Even if it was on ABC or NBC it would get more respect. Because it is on CBS a certain stigma is attached. Must be a show for old folks and must be a procedural.