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    Artie the wheelie reminds me of Turtle from Entourage. The dude has a pretty amazing life given his conditions and he fucks it up. Burn him

    Karofsky is ridiculous. To the show's credit they have rebuilt him to the point of being slightly likable. He is so closeted and uncomfortable he can't have ONE dance and play it off as a joke.

    Its not even close for me. Glee despite its flaws is an important show and a show when done right is as good as anything on TV. I would take a show like Glee that is 10% success & 90% failure over a solid, above average procedural any day.

    Hey dude keep it PG
    What the hell was going on in that scene. I don't see what Finn's rationale is at all is - so a guy can't kiss his prom date because he still has feelings for Rachel? And its not like Jesse was fingering her - He gave her a kiss on her neck. It was just bizarre and ridiculous (even by Glee

    Will Watch - Hangover II, Captain America, Horrible Bosses, 30 Minutes or Less

    Did you see The Dilemma. Worst movie I have seen in years. I never cared too much either way about Mr. James but that movie turned me into a hater

    Anytime you can trade being the number one pop star in America for being the third lead in a summer comedy you gotta do it.

    Green Lantern
    My bet to break the streak of exceptional superhero films. Judging by the trailer it looks really mediocre - which granted isn't the best way to judge a movie but…. And that costume looks pretty cheesy

    The type of pop music that you are hating on would have been just as bad or not worse 15 years ago or 30 years ago. People act as if terrible music was only made today.

    I think you are dead wrong about Glee. Glee's appeal is primarily the music and dance - the other stuff is secondary. Take away the songs and Glee would not be anywhere near as successful. Subtract the soap opera elements and switch it with zany comedy (or anything else) and Glee is still a success.

    New music
    is more appealing when a person is younger and doesn't have as refined of taste in music. At some point a person figures out what they like and then sampling new music is just not necessary. Why am I going to chance it with an unknown artist when I already have a stable of solid music that I love?

    How well adjusted is a kid
    who has been given everything and anything for the last few years going to be? Bieber is treated like a God by his fans so semi-diva behavior cannot be surprising. And that stuff sounds more like a joke than mean spirited

    I second the seen one seen em all sentiment. Personally I though Season 2 was the best of the five but you aren't missing anything by skipping a season. Just read a recap and you should be good to go.

    The Great Buck Howard
    with Colin Hanks was pretty decent and the movie was a pleasant surprise

    Season 5 is absolute garbage imo. Season 4 was OK - better than Season 3 but still fairly conventional

    I haven't seen the last couple episodes but it is substantially better now than it was when it originally came on. Its like a C+ quality show - not great but not god awful.

    Curious ratings
    The despised Outsourced is one of the biggest DVR gainers (%). And it puts up equal ratings to Community (1.5 v 1.5) yet hasn't been renewed.

    I feel like truly great movies are usually better than the source material (if it is based off something). I can only think of a handful of movies that are great and are worse or equal than the source material (Lord of the Rings is the easy choice)

    Racially Charged
    uh. Everyone knows the only type of racism ever was reverse racism from minorities. Typical hollywood propaganda

    What the fuck was with the New York Times today. Osama dies and they don't even mention him once in the paper