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    Am I the only one who fuckin hated her character. She got a little better over the course of the season but was by and far the worst character.

    There was a LOT of tension between Rock and Gervais. I though Rock made several digs at Gervais with the "I don't have the office to fall back on" and he seemed perturbed that Gervais jumped into stand-up post-fame.

    "Do you know what cute means?"

    She has been super attractive the last two weeks. The kiss last week and the cleavage this week

    Bruno Mars is the most disappointing
    because the guy seems unbelievably gifted. Look at his record with producing songs - K'Naan's Wavin Flag, Right Round, and Fuck You (maybe minus Right Round) are all pretty great radio songs.

    Eastwood's more recent non-war work is hard to categorize for me. The three most recent (Gran Torino, Changeling, Hereafter) that I have seen of his have all been a little melodramatic but still profoundly sad.

    I don't know why people shit on The Town so much. It only has like 94% positive reviews or RT, was named one of the top 10 movies of 2010 by the AFI, and made nearly a 100 million.

    The Town got a B-
    and Fast Five got a B+. Seems right

    What about Rush Hour 4
    America needs a new chapter to this saga

    Totally 100% Disagree
    I thought the judges/coaches were fun and most of the contestants were actually good. The girl who sang Breakeven was terrific, as was the girl who covered Rolling in the Deep, and the black guy who everyone liked towards the end with the kids was great.

    The awesomeness shows up in the box office performance

    First woman I think of when I hear "brilliant"
    is definitely Olivia Munn

    The guy who produced this song is one of the douches that has his name screamed at the beginning of a song. Derulo doesn't really rap - he is more of an R&B singer

    Eh. Disagree. I'm not a huge fan but Lady Gaga has to be. Her stuff is relatively creative and I can respect her background as a songwriter.

    Its basically on AMC like weekly

    So its fair to say the actual number of liars is even higher than the percentage they found. I doubt most people will even anonymously admit to lying (even about a trivial matter)

    Opposite of this list
    would include Transformers 1 & 2, You Don't Mess With Zohan, The Dilemma, 2012, and Grown Ups

    Does anyone even play Wii
    anymore? I felt like it was huge in like 07/08 and has just disappeared from culture unless your 11. Its such a shitty system if you don't have any allegiance to their game franchises.

    I don't know what better roles are out there for Bateman. In the last couple years he hasn't picked all awful movies. Up in the Air was a nice solid role and he was surprisingly good in State of Play.

    The story that is linked to earlier on this thread makes it seem as if it was inconclusive if Wells was in or not. Either he got tricked and thought the bomb was faked (he's fucking dumb then), he was forced to wear the bomb against his will, or he wanted to wear the bomb and was suicidal.