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    It seems to be based off the same tragedy. There is a Michigan banner/map in the trailer and it was shot in Grand Rapids, MI. The actual crime took place in Eire, Michigan. Pizza man making delivery in outskirts of town in both the movie and actual case.

    The show is humiliating itself with every new season. Seasons 1 & 2 while still flawed were daring and dark. Every season after has been about Dexter the perfect man who saves innocent people and protects his identity by escaping in the nick of time.

    Season 1 of Heroes may have been the most addicting single season of a show I have ever seen. I don't think it was 100% great but it was hard not to want to watch. I couldn't even get past the first episode of Season 2.

    West Wing Season 6 & 7
    was great television. I watched the West Wing after its original run and watched it in the most random order. I think I watched Season 4 first then Season 2 and then the rest in order so that might play a role in my perception of the show.

    I would be interested in seeing how the "Spurlock" diet impacts a larger more representative sample. Take 30 regular americans (not some vegan trying to simulate regular consumer behaviors) and give them 3 meals of McDonald's/BK/Wendy's and see the impact. My guess its not that severe or life threatening.

    How is spurlock not abusing McDonald's product. He ate three times what the most glutenous individual would eat, ordered the largest possible servings, and did virtually zero exercise. Not even the lazies person in America who loves McDonalds would eat there 90 times in a month. At most a person could eat at McDonalds

    I don't see why your political views cloud your choices in fast food. Its not like you are electing Chik-Fil-A to public office - if you eat there all you are saying is you prefer their food. Where does that mentality end. Can you not shop at Target or can you not visit the deep south?

    So Chik-Fil-A is terrible because it is a Christian business? 29 States have Gay Marriage bans - are those states terrible too. I'm not opposed to gay marriage/rights but its odd to judge a fastfood restaurant on its morals instead of its burgers.

    Nobody goes to McDonalds regularly and expects to lose weight. I don't know who exactly is going to be convinced too change their eating habits off the doc. Let people live their life and deal with the consequences instead of being an insufferable prick who needs to tell everyone how wrong they are. I don't know how

    They had us watching Super Size Me in classes not even tangibly related to health. I think I watched it in a Civics class. I think every person under 20 who went to a public high school in America has seen Super Size Me multiple times.

    I'm not a huge McDonalds fan personally but they are no different than any other business in the industry. My main point is that Spurlock is a hype man. The guy eats at McDonalds for 30 days and nearly dies? Come on

    I worked at McDonalds for a summer when I was in high school and when you take orders you have to ask, "Do you want apple dippers instead of fries" and "Would you like a milk instead of drink" (for Happy Meals). Want to guess how many people went with apple dippers? People who eat at McDonalds know what they are

    Super Size Me is utter bullshit. If I remember right there is a scene where he acts as if he's going to get a heart attack and die after like 3 weeks of McDonalds. And this propaganda is watched in thousands of schools annually - I don't think it really affects behavior but it is a drive by of a private company that

    Inexplicably popular
    I can not think of a single reason why seven million people would watch this on a week to week basis. Its not terrible at all but it doesn't exactly differentiate itself either from other programs.

    I love how one of the commentators there is named Kilgore Trout (from Vonnegut) because Kurt Vonnegut was soooo conservative

    Just one problem
    I highly doubt even 5% of self proclaimed members of the Tea Party have read any Ayn Rand.

    Guess who wasn't down
    Outsourced put up better numbers than Community at 10:30 and somehow its going to be cancelled.

    Nice to see Sheen cut down to size
    Now someone needs to shut down Donald Trump

    Just like a drunk girl