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    The video that showed Rosie at the dance was seen by the police not students at the school. So not every kid is going to know that pink wig = rosie.

    Ruining her reputation hinges on two things - first that every person in that school knew that Rosie wore a pink wig to the dance. Doubtful as the death had very little effect on the kids. And second the only way that video is tied to Rosie is if something terrible happens to her so unless Sterling was involved with

    How is Sterling having sex with two guys that Rosie (as far as we know) doesn't have a relationship with horrible to Rosie. One guy is her ex so maybe thats bad but the other guy is some random junkie. I don't see how that even affects Rosie. Maybe she was busy having sex & doing whatever drugs that she couldn't save

    Could sterling have some sort of fetish to be fucked as Rosie? Maybe she was jealous or angry that Rosie had been growing apart from her. I don't think the conversation with the Chris character makes it clear that a weird rape fantasy type sex situation didn't happen. The fact that the rich kid chased her out of the

    The high school that Rosie went to seems especially depraved. I can get maybe some cocaine or heroine but meth use and fairly widespread usage seems ridiculous and implausible. It seems like every semi-shady thing that could go down went down in this high school.

    Hating on Affleck is so 2003

    Community's first episode is now dated
    with its joke about we're the country that gave Ben Affleck an Oscar. The man may have actually deserved one for The Town or even Gone Baby Gone.

    Hey James just a quick question. Are you by any chance looking for an assistant. Can I send the resume to that address? Thanks

    Franco is taking over
    He's on the top banner, the main article, and the side banner

    Asthma + unfiltered carcinogenic marijuana smoke in the lungs + 9 millimeter handgun = early death?

    People really hate Chris Brown
    This was a perfectly decent album and for my money's worth the best mainstream release of the year so far. I don't see how the album is at all worthy of only a C. It delivers on pretty much every level (as long as you don't expect the album to be transcendent). Its sure as hell better

    What 25 year old would choose Cleveland, Ohio over Miami (or New York or Chicago). Add in the fact that LeBron's best teammates in Cleveland were fucking senior citizens and any team he would go to would have a better supporting cast. If you look at the LeBron situation its the same as all the people from your current

    @Braun The NBA haters remind me of this Daily Show clip

    I don't want to nitpick but there if you have an issue with NBA officiating I don't how you can even sit through a college basketball game or any other form of basketball. The NBA's officiating isn't perfect but its the best by far of any of the major sports.

    Teams in the NBA that play terrific defense (off the top of my head): Boston, San Antonio, Chicago, Milwaukee, Dallas & LA (though not consistently). Its rare to see a team like say a Golden State or New York that doesn't play much defense. The teams that are successful play the best defense.

    Come on now. Arizona State is a prestigious university. Barack Obama wasn't worthy of one of their honorary degrees.

    The NBA doesn't play defense is just a myth. Over the last decade the San Antonio Spurs have dominated with their slow pace and defense. Scoring in the mid 00s was at the lowest levels in years.

    A better system would be give the person the option of getting paid or getting a scholarship. For 90+% of players the scholarship is a hell of a deal but to the elite players who bring in the money for a school its a fucking robbery. Sure to me or most people getting a college education for free (or close to free) is

    The one thing that frustrates me is when you see analysts and coaches rail against a kid for going pro early. Most of those kids haven't had any real money and now they are being offered several million. Who would turn that down at 19,20, or 21? Add in that its dangerous and risky to turn down the cash because

    Compared to the NBA Playoffs
    March Madness is an absolute joke. Terrible, shoddy play combined with a slow grind it out style makes college basketball near unwatchable unless one has a vested interest. Compare that to the NBA today where there is never a day without a terrific game and quality play. Only 11 days till