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    I though the pilot was pretty great but not the best of the year (unless you are just going 2011 and not preceding 12 months). That Lonestar pilot on FOX was really good and in my opinion a little better. It kind of raises the question would a show like Lonestar been a relative hit on an FX or AMC?

    Must be an error
    Alex Pettyfer is supposed to be the lead in every teen franchise

    This was never boring. Rubicon's pilot was sooo slow and boring and I was never able to get past it.

    What Kind of cougar bangs a 17 yr old kid? - Coke whores

    I think it could be the male campaign manager but for the opposite reason. He was talking about what a great opportunity the murder was for the campaign b/c of the incumbent's policies. But granted that doesn't explain why he would be stupid enough to use a campaign car.

    My top 3 choices - 1.) The mother, she didn't seem as grief stricken as the father
    2.) The overachieving campaign aide and 3.) The sketchy partner

    The whole touching lips was too much. I can get a cop who is semi-dirty/inventive maybe flirting but that was almost at De Niro in Cape Fear levels of creepy

    I guess they were saying it was abnormal to see that type of clothing in the area they found it but I don't really think that warrants a full fledged investigation.

    "Why is there a new one"
    Well for starters basically no Americans speak or understand Danish

    I found it a little hard to believe the two girls would be enamored with such a sketchy dude who was a cop.

    This is more watchable than the first few episodes of Spartacus. The first four episodes were awful blatant green screening. The mood was so like claustrophobic and uncomfortable. But Spartacus was from the beginning pretty ambitious and risk taking where as Camelot seems more traditional, better put together, but

    The girl in the opening scene was just perfect. An absolute goddess.

    The show has undeniably turned to shit but last years coverage was fun just to have a venue to talk about the show and its fun to read recaps of shitty shows (a la Fastforward)

    More in the sense he closes his eyes and is cured of his addiction/propensity to cocaine

    Charie Sheen style rehab
    is the only way Entourage can clean up the coke story lines and wrap up the show in eight episodes

    How similar is it to other CW shows? I have gone on marathons of Gossip Girl and 90210 and found them somewhat entertaining but I eventually get tired of their shit. The show seems interesting enough but not so great that it would warrant going out of your way to watch. And add in that it is serialized (I think?) it

    You Room haters need to leave your stupid comments in your pocket

    I think that impression is wide spread but not true imo. I heard Sepinwall talking about the show on the BS Report with Bill Simmons and he said something like the first few episodes are hard to get through. Thats what I assumed when watching the show but I downed 25 episodes in a weekend.

    Party Down Season 1 was startling at how fundamentally low budget it was or seemed to be. I had never seen a show that is shot in one location with basically no recurring characters of any sort. The first three episodes were hard to watch because of the unfamiliarity but after that it was just on fire. Personally I

    So creative
    It seems like every scripted show MTV has made (or plans on making) recently has either been a reboot or adaption of a foreign series