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    He is one of the gays
    There is no way he can play a mobster

    2 & 1/2 Men and its no tits has probably made more money than all of the Tit bearing shows on your list combined

    1.4 million dollar fine vs publicity
    I have to imagine the buzz and "controversy" over airing any nudity would overcome any fine that is levied (that may very well not be collected).

    I had never watched the show prior to this year. I picked at random one of the story lines - theres like 4 separate stories going on in a Season. The one I watch was Kumil and it was pretty damn good. The mood and environment is very subdued and its just two guys talking but it was fairly compelling and wonderfully

    There is no rational reason to prefer Colleg BBall over the NBA
    The product is so much worse. The players are worse, the refs are worse, and the game is far more boring. But yet every year you hear people say I love the environment of college basketball and the team element. Aside from if your alma mater is playing in

    Decent Income, Prestigious Profession, and time and maybe money to explore other interests. It could be worse. I'm basically in the same position as you just a couple years younger. Is Law School that bad?

    There was a joke on Greg Giraldo's comedy album about Brokeback Mountain. Some guy says he has never heard of Brokeback Mountain. Giraldo says somethign like how homophobic do you have to be to insist you have never heard of it.

    I'm optimistic about the Killing whose ads are fucking everywhere but I could give a shit about Mad Men. Its Breaking Bad's needless delay that is most frustrating

    So no Mad Men in the summer and no Breaking Bad in the spring. The success of The Walking Dead has overinflated AMC's ego. They were nothing four years ago

    The scene that scared the shit out of me was the basement scene. Are you sure no one is upstairs?

    This dude Koteas was pretty great, Donal Logue was great, John Carrol Lynch was fucking perfect too. Jimmi Simpson was the kid at airport. The movie got shafted with like a Feb/Mar release date and robbed of multiple Oscars. Best movie I have ever seen hands down.

    Zodiac's Cast
    Maybe one of the best in recent memory. Even the minor characters were played brilliantly and the three leads were phenomenal (even Gyllenhaal). You couldn't even make that movie today with Mark Ruffalo and RDJ as supporting characters.

    I like Californication but it fails miserably at being edgy. They have tried to incorporate twitter (Becca is missing - did she facebook, tweet, text, etc.) awkwardly on multiple occasions.

    Entourage was surprisingly pg-rated for an allegedly mature show about hollywood. Californication takes it overboard but its a better executed form of lifestyle porn than Entourage.

    I'm amazed looking back at how much I enjoyed Entourage at one time. Its really just pure shit - the show coasted off having a fairly cool premise and then mangling everything else. There are so many different things the show could have done that would have been interesting or enjoyable and instead they were just lazy.

    What about Chris Noth?

    I loved Sister City. It was in my top 5 episodes of last season. Tom acting like a slave for tips was golden. I get that it was a bit hacky and Armison overdid it a little but it was pretty funny.

    Glee is just the three creators writing every episode too

    @ Jcar There is a tendency to be nostalgic towards the old while not appreciating the better new additions. Schneider was a black hole on the show who never had a funny line. In ten episodes Adam Scott has had more funny lines than Schneider had in 30 episodes. And it made no sense why a city planner was sitting

    Office went off the rails at the midway point of Season 6 for me. After the whole Jim is manager…………not.