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    Jean-Ralfio needs to make an appearance asap. He is way funnier than any of their newscasters

    I'm a Chang apologist but its getting a little ridiculous now. There is no real reason for why the group hangs out with him. Jeff said he's done pitying him and no one really likes the dude. He may have impregnated one of their friends. At this point Chang could execute Shirley's kids and they would still let Chang

    I think starting with Slaughterhouse Five is a mistake. If your not familiar with his work its confusing and not that interesting. When I first read it I didn't love it. Going back now I can certainly see the appeal and respect the quality but Cat's Cradle is a far better entry point.

    Better Choice
    The old/dead guy from the Oscars who rambled for like 10 minutes

    Parks is more consistent and comfortable/friendly. Community is a little more inconsistent, more ambitious, and darker. My personal preference is to Parks but its basically like a 1a and 1b thing

    Seinfeld Season 1
    is absolutely atrocious. Arrested Development is the only comedy I have seen that started off on fire.

    This was NBC's most popular show
    last year if I remember right. Brian Williams was averaging like 10 million viewers a newscast and NBC couldn't get a single scripted show above like 7 mil.

    Shit man how do you even have time to comment on stuff.

    So I won't be able to watch Weeds Season 12
    and Dexter Season 9 on Instant?

    With TV at least you know what you are skipping or have a real good idea of what the content is going to be. With a movie you have never seen its really not possible to know what you may miss.

    @ Quirky Same here. Spanglish is one of the most underrated films of the 00s. Its not perfect but its damn enjoyable

    Did Skyline induce sickness like Cloverfield? In retrospect Cloverfield was horse hit too

    One of the commercials used one of the worst lines from the movies. A guy says something like "how do you know when you are in love - its when you where a condom with the others" I don't see how that appeals to many people and especially to people that are likely to see the film.


    NBC basically put outsourced down with the 10:30 timeslot

    To be fair its statutory romance not statutory rape

    The UCLA girl's not racist. She's a normal american gal with manners and class. Seriously though how does someone that stupid get in and stay at UCLA.

    I don't know what it is with Lutz but I hate that character. Jerry is just a nice guy

    I love how people are so eager to defend the honor and dignity of indians from the scourge that is Outsourced. I'm not joking or exaggerating when I say that most indians I know actually watch Outsourced and semi-enjoy it.