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    He was pretty great on the West Wing not too long ago as well. I would vote for Matthew Santos

    O'Connor was in her 70s. This dude was 50 tops. But in his defense he had a gambling problem and was bipolar

    Trashed? Its at 57% on RT right now.

    I take my hat off to Tobolowsky for the sheer difficulty of his podcast. Its him monologuing for 45 minutes. I assume most of it is pre-written.

    Simmons & Corrola
    had a pretty great podcast on Nic Cage's movie. Simmons has been on a roll for the last two weeks with like six great podcasts.

    The DVD is $4.99 on Amazon new. Thats a pretty healthy discount

    Just a quick question. What site do you recommend the most? least?

    @ Lincoln the controversial vanity card has something to do with Lorre saying he's lived a healthy life and not had random sex and that he is going to be pissed if Sheen outlives him. The other vanity card that pissed off Sheen was just a weird rambling incoherent mess thats meaning wasn't as clear - it didn't

    Murder-Suicide in a manner similar to Steve McNair would not be surprising either.

    Martin Sheen would have to be part Adonis. The blood of a tiger could be pumped into his blood stream so Sheen's parents would not necessarily have to have intercourse with a Tiger.

    Yeah I don't get the feeling that Sheen is stupid at all. He is uninhibited and has nothing to lose. Add in that the sycophants around him aren't going to stop him (and are probably encouraging him). Sheen can literally say and do whatever he wants with no consequences whatsoever now so its going to be curious to see

    Sheen has a tendency to overcompensate. He paid a $5000 a night prostitute $30000 for no real reason. Sheen probably considers the type of women he bangs of a higher caliber than any that Mr. Lorre may do.

    Accusing Chuck Lorre of hatred of women
    coming from Sheen is kind of funny. I don't know if its fair to definitively say that Sheen is a misogynist but Sheen should at least have the self-awareness to know that accusing another man (who has no record of violence against women) when his own record is so shady on the

    Will being creepy is the worst of option of all. I guess that goes with Will being sexy. Just imagine if like a 32 year old teacher tried to teach his kids about being sexy and having sex (when he's a spanish teacher).

    You said it. Now take it back. A show like Greek only appeals to people that have had a very specific college experience.

    One for Threes not bad. Sheen has been arrested and prosecuted numerous times. Accepting a plea for a lesser charge still counts.

    Did anyone see Topher Grace claim that there are five actors in the film that will be making 20 million in 10 years?

    Watched it this weekend. One of the saddest movies I've seen in years. I don't know how it got mediocre reviews.

    Tell No One
    Harlan Coben (who wrote the book the movie is based off) is a master of making believable mainstream thrillers. Coben is the only popular fiction author whose work is gripping yet still believable.

    Rich people rule!
    I can't fathom why people watch propaganda like Undercover Boss (or this show presumably).