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    I enjoyed Anniyan which was a tamil movie released like five years ago. Its kind of Seven esque and fairly entertaining.

    I'm in the same boat as you (in terms of family background). My issue with indian films are two fold. First nearly every film is the same. Every movie tries to be an action film, rom-com, and drama. The only really terrific indian film I have seen in the last like 3 years (granted I only watch like 2 movies a year)

    The review was pretty great. Long but good

    No Charlie Sheen?
    Sheen has been talked about more than every single thing on the list combined in the last week

    Late September: The Town
    Early October: The Social Network

    Showtime's really not a bastion of great television. An argument could be made convincingly that currently they don't have a single great show. Showtime is like the lite version of quality shows. Want Breaking Bad but not so evil - how about Weeds.

    Watching a big time summer tentpole is infinitely better in a theater than in your living room, even if you have the biggest and best tv available. I would go further and say watching a big mainstream comedy (like a Hangover or Borat) is much better with hundreds of other people. Its like having a laugh track or

    Didn't they need Bond because they were gonna go under. And now they throw him out on his ass? Why even invite him if they were just going to back stab him.

    AVC should get an interview with Sheen
    It seems like he's talking to everyone and anyone.

    Sheen is becoming must watch/follow. His behavior is so erratic and raw and thats really fresh. My gut feeling is that the dude is probably at fault but its hard not to buy into his arguments. He is surprisingly compelling and the 48 hours of blanket media coverage has probably turned public opinion in his favor.

    If the NBA Celeb All-Star game is any sign
    Lil Romeo or Romeo is gonna try way too hard

    Cue the hate
    Hipsters are going to come in here and shit on his movies. Guaranteed. The guy has a perfect record directing and is responsible for Freaks & Geeks. You can't top that.

    They are goddesses. Not hookers, escorts, or strippers. Your terrestrial minds cannot comprehend their beauty

    Lion Cock
    wins for sure

    Hank Moody = Charlie Sheen
    Fairly similar if you switch out actor with writer

    The thing with The Town is that expectations were relatively low and the film was really good. I thought it was the most satisfying film experience I've had in years. The movie never let up and had two of the top scenes in film all year (the 2nd robbery and chase and the Fenway heist). Personally I though it got

    Whats the record
    for most newswire articles based on a single person in a day. This is like the 5th one on Sheen today

    You would think they tapped out their market. There can't be that many more people that would watch a movie like The Kings speech that haven't already seen it.

    @edked The reviews were just recaps in the same fashion of an episode summary on IMDB or Wikipedia. I guess I expect a little better from the AVC.

    I knocked out the first season on Amazon VOD b/c they kept giving me like $5 of free credit. It would cost $12 to watch it online on Amazon or I'm sure you could find it online for $0.00 with a little effort