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    Community sucks should go. Trolling is not a big deal b/c it encourages debate. The asshole who keeps posting COMMUNITY SUCKS is stifling discussion

    When the fuck has Karla found Community good. Every week its a negative comment

    Me or You or anyone on this board at 16 vs Bieber at 16 isn't a fair comparison. I'll admit I probably have a more favorable opinion of Bieber than most AVC commenters but the kid is not a scholar. He comes across as nice enough but not that bright.

    The kid is 16
    I wouldn't take anything he says seriously. Most people change over time and its pretty clear he has no idea what he's talking about either. Why Rolling Stone is asking a pop artist questions about abortion and rape is another question though.

    She couldn't have been on the show anyways
    because she's filming Superman right now. And after that she's working on that Eastwood movie.

    How long till Blake disappears?
    For a show like the Good Wife that has so many amazing performances in supporting roles he really stands out. For the wrong reasons. I always get the feeling that the character is a false macho pussy when the show is trying so hard to paint him as mysterious and dangerous.

    I don't understand the Bieber hate at all. How is he any worse or different than any other child pop star. If anything he doesn't espouse the overly Christian and "moral" things that other youth oriented artists like say the Jonas Brothers do.

    It was rough to see
    the young slave girl get basically raped again.

    Five Years Ago or So
    Glenn was on HNN and he really was not insane conservative. He was definitely a right-winger but it didn't feel as conservative as his current show. Beck for all his stupidity is somewhat entertaining unlike say a Sean Hannity who is just a tool.

    At least he's not pulling any holier than thou bullshit

    @ Wolfman And when they air the episodes its usually with a bar that is like a third of the screen giving fucking weather updates.

    Typical of a Pinkie to insult patriotic, god-fearing, decent real americans

    That librarian was anything but buttoned up. There was serious cleavage visible

    These are obviously filmed ahead of time but it would of been great if Troy responded to whats in the briefcase by saying cocaine

    How hilarious would it be
    if Pierce OD'd and died at the end. It would be a bold move and completely unexpected. So many shows do the near drug overdose but it turns out to not be so serious. Like this year alone Entourage and Californication have done near od story lines (i am well aware that neither of the

    Tell me more
    about these gratuitous bikini shots

    The recurring characters on the Good Wife are maybe the best on TV imo. They have a fairly large regular cast and then they have this revolving bench of like 10-15 judges and lawyers that are in multiple episodes. Its a lot more fun too knowing that a certain judge is really liberal or strict or characteristics about

    Whats worse
    The E-Trade baby or Godaddy commercials?

    1.5 seasons in a week
    The Good Wife is really, really good. Not CBS good, or network drama good but just good. I don't know how I missed out on it for so long.