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    Witless Protection
    hands down one of the stupidest fucking movies I have ever seen. The guy is legitimatly racist in the movie in the parts with a muslim hotel owner. Not unexpected but kind of shocking. The racist shit starts at the 2:45 mark

    Not buying it
    A guy who makes a nice chair doesn't owe money to everyone who has ever built a chair

    The Kings Speech is going to end up making more
    than the Social Network based on basically its release date. One would think a movie about Facebook would be more box office friendly than a film about royalty.

    @Limade I don't get the venom towards Outsourced while similarly lazy shows like BBT (or the entire CBS comedy lineup) get a free pass. Outsourced is usually kind of funny and has a somewhat interesting premise unlike the 14 shows on TV about 28 year old upperclass white friends.

    There is a moment in one of the mid 1st Season episodes (maybe like the 15th or 16th episode) where the Glee club films something and posts it on youtube. Finn remarks that its going to go "viral" in like a day. Why the fuck would some random video about highschool kids in Ohio go viral? I don't hate Glee but there

    Give NBC some love. They sure as hell need it

    I thought this was the best that Chang and Pierce have been in the entire run of the show. That Faaaat line was golden and Chang was perfect in his like 3 min of screen time.

    @ Doctor believe it or not Lohan is only 24

    A fair amount of movies are better with lots of people. Not all but mainstream comedies and huge epic movies are far better.

    How serialized?
    I've been debating watching this - can one just jump in like a CSI/Law & Order or is better to catch up on season 1?

    Wait Bruno Mars is on this show?

    Emmy Grammy Oscar Tony. Right? Not Golden Globe

    I'm in college and I remember that song, "Call Me When Your Sober" from high school. That song was in 06' and peaked at #10 on the charts so they have had some success after 2003.

    My bad on the Wahlberg post. Misread the original post and replies. I honestly though Timberlake was the worst of the main actors in The Social Network. Not terrible but no where near as good as Andrew Garfield, Eisenberg, or the tall guy.

    Walhberg blows in comparison to his peer A-list movie star actors in terms of talent (Damon, DiCaprio, Downey, etc.). Legit movie star, yes. Massively improving, I don't know.

    I'm not trying to start an argument here but John McCain is a far better example if you are trying to find one in politics. Early McCain was a moderate, supported Campaign Finance Reform, Immigration Reform, and Opposed tax cuts to the rich. New (or Old) McCain doesn't support any of the stuff he originally advocated

    Much Improved
    I admit I sped through parts of Blood & Sands (especially the early part of the season) for the more juicer elements. Gods of the Arena is improved in nearly every aspect imo. The fights are so much more watchable and enjoyable. I loved the animation/cartoon re inaction as well. Also the earlier payoff

    CBS is a wasteland. If you depose of one piece of shit another one is ready to slide right in. Someone needs to send those geeks some blue meth

    Is he even a good actor?
    I'm not just bashing on 2.5 men but is the guy actually talented? Obviously he's valuable and irreplaceable to CBS but is he anywhere near his dad in terms of talent?