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    It would be cool/acceptable if all Sheen did was coke and bang whores but he has a record and tendency to assault women so thats a little questionable

    The podcast was funnier than the movie

    It was a little hard to believe that normally sane people would go batshit crazy because of the flu/fever and that that level of sickness would affect multiple members of the cast.

    They overplayed that joke way too much and the Haverford in the hot tub joke as well.

    Too wacky
    not a bad episode at all but not really traditional Parks & Rec in the sense that the show has always been grounded and realistic. This was more of a Community style episode

    Best Trashy Movie Ever
    Wild Things. Sexy and packed with "twists"

    I'm not saying that a show needs to be a accurate sample of a countries demographics but Skins is clearly trying to do just that. If they are going for it why not go ahead and actually be accurate?

    I don't know if the character makes sense in the US. Muslims are less than a half percent of the US population. They should have made the character hispanic, asian, or indian imo.

    Paper is a pimp. Girlfriends as in multiple? The UK version is substantially better than the MTV version but its not like five star television by any means. My best comparison would be a slightly more realistic Gossip Girl .

    I agree that was the biggest difference between the original and remake. The british lead was so charismatic compared to this block of wood. There were a couple of really great performances in the UK version like the actor of played Maxxie and the kid who played Anwar. The rest were eh and the entire American cast is

    I was thrown off by how every "teenager" talked on their phone constantly. Seriously who the fuck calls people

    Shortsighted move
    Are advertisers so stupid as to think that the PTC has any clout. Some middle-aged, middle class church goer is not anywhere near MTV's market nor is it the demo that companies want. Add in the fact that average people don't give a shit - the only people getting worked up about this are professional

    @ Rasil does anyone like Crash? Its still mind boggling that such a shitty movie beat out a true masterpiece. There was literally like one decent scene in that movie (where the racist cop feels up that woman). The rest of that movie was just a fantasy.

    He was on Marc Maron's WTF podcast and that guy came across as so full of himself. He literally measures people's worth/power in terms of number of twitter followers

    I think she's the mother of the one on the left

    Must Watch
    according to hitfix.com. Seriously thats what their front page says

    Anyone watch the CW 90210? That show is garbage in terms of quality but kinda fun. They throw just ridiculous plot twists around and the characters are so inconsistent but the stupidity is entertaining.

    I'm in if it maintains or increases the sex and nudity
    of Blood and Sands.

    I personally would take Outsourced and its hit or miss jokes and perceived offensiveness over a generic friends clone. Outsourced despite its flaws can be funny. Is it anywhere near P&R or Community, no. Its a mediocre comedy not a total piece of shit.

    Why aren't more comedies serialized?
    I don't understand why not. Having continuing story lines makes the show more interesting, there is character development, and avid fans are rewarded.