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    It was a chang to have Chang back
    on the show. I don't get the hate/moderate dislike for the character. He has had some of the funniest moments on the show and is imo a nice change of pace character. Also Annie was looking extremely attractive

    Its definitely more than a little weird that a 19 year old girl is getting with first a 35-37 (Jeff) and now the Doctor who has to be at min. 36.

    Is it me or do two of those dudes look like carbon copies of Bruno Mars (the sketchy looking kid in the middle and the arab kid to his left)

    I'm guessing the Maxxie storyline
    with Tony blowing the dude would not be kosher to MTV's shithead demographic. This should have been set in the suburbs rather than in some dark, gritty city imo.

    I would voluntarily read this comment three times

    Is that from the Freaks & Geeks episode where Franco's character goes punk and spikes out his hair?

    Workaholic is not enough. The man was multi-talented; a killer and rapist

    I could buy Franco as hispanic. He has fairly dark pigmentation

    Who was the geek/nerd guy at the meeting
    who kept talking in his annoying nasily voice about nudity. That took me out of the show because I couldn't come up with any conceivable reason why this under dressed, awkward and somewhat arrogant nerd was doing in a meeting like that.

    I marathoned several shows this year (mostly ones the AVC reviews). Best show I watched by far was the three seasons of Breaking Bad. I also downed six seasons of Always Sunny in Philadelphia, 5.5 seasons of HIMYM, all 7 seasons of Curb, Spartacus Blood and Sand, two seasons of Prison Break (which turned to shit about

    I don't think the user is really calling her a cunt in the sense that if he(she?) saw her he would call her a cunt. He seems to be saying that Munn is a grating personality. I don't think the guy is alone in not appreciating phoniness and fame-whoring

    The BBT pilot is the only episode of that show I have ever sat through fully and its up there among the worst episodes of tv I have ever seen. I'm not a CBS comedy or laugh track type of guy so maybe I'm biased

    Dark skin is not exactly the most desired thing in India. Also I think the show is set in North India where skin pigmentation is lighter than in other parts.

    Outsourced in its defense
    has improved a little bit. Its not that offensive (or as offensive) and is certainly watchable. Its a little better than a big bang theory or 2.5 men. Its not at all an equal to 30 Rock/P&R/Community but its watchable and occasionally funny. The first two/three episodes were genuinely bad but

    Dexter needs to do Miami a service and wipe out all of Miami PD

    Time for an upgrade

    I applaud profjohnfrink for asking the question on everyone's mind. Fuck Dexter I'm cool as long as Angel and Laguerta are together

    Community has a very specific audience which coincidentally is a lot of AVC readers. There is not a whole lot of mass appeal where as something like Glee or Modern Family despite their occasional flaws are more accessible to more people. I wouldn't begrudge anyone for taking that into context. The same minor niche

    There is simply no comparison at all between the tow.My roomate has been watching the first few seasons of Dexter and the early run of Breaking Bad is relatively fresh in my mind b/c I saw it recently. And watching the old episodes of Dexter this same garbage plot contrivances to keep Dexter safe still existed and

    Hipsters may not want to admit but The Town was great. Jeremy Renner and Jon Hamm were both fantastic and the film is never boring. Its definitely worth renting at the least. You must have a funny definition of lukewarm b/c nearly every review I saw was positive.