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    I had that when I was in school too. Made me a shit ton of money taking those tests for dumb ass kids

    They seem to have a decent supporting cast on this one so that might help? Ken Jeong has been fairly funny in everything he's been and John Malkovich is a solid actor (though I guess he will literally be in anything). The second one was the worst movie I have ever seen in theaters and the only reason why I saw it was

    whats the consensus on Piven, is he gifted or just an asshole. I thought he was legitimately great in the early run of Entourage but there seems to be a lot of hate directed towards him.

    Why no Katy Perry?
    joking aside The Gaslight Anthem should have been on the list and The Suburbs should be higher

    Pau Gasol for Kwame Brown and trash bad

    @ digifreak I go to a jesuit/catholic school so that should probably narrow down the list.

    I enjoy Dexter but its nowhere near my second favorite show. I should probably edit it. The two leads of the show went on like a university tour and screened it at a bunch of colleges in the midwest. There were only like 20 people there so thats sort of symbolic of Terriers popularity

    Terriers failed because it was boring
    simple as that. I am right in the wheelhouse of a person who should have enjoyed the show. I watched the pilot and thought it was kind of dull and too conspiracy heavy. I went and saw Logue and the other guy talk about their show and screen an episode (the clusterfuck one) and

    that dude has disappeared now after seemingly dominating shit for like all of 2007 and 2008

    I'm really curious how bad an episode has to be for the grades to drop below a B here. This season has been brutally bad.

    Wedding Crashers and it was marvelous for the first R rated film in theaters. Breasts galore

    There is no way that Warners Brothers would let a blockbuster movie like TDK get an R. Like zero chance and Batman was dark but it wasn't Saw or Hostel type dark and violent.

    A distinction should be made
    for if a movie could potentially target or be of interest to children. No 8 or 10 year old is going to want to see Blue Valentine or The King's Speech. I could conceivably see a 10 year old wanting to see a Saw movie or a raunchy comedy.

    I don't think this is releasing till summer 2012 so your gonna have to deal with this stuff for at least 18 more months

    Don't forget the neccessary prequel and/or reboots - The First Black Swan and Black Swan Begins

    Watched the whole interview/roundtable
    and I came away with the feeling that Eisenberg is a lot like Zuckerberg in real life. Duvall is a curmudgeon of a guy, and that Colin Firth does not like answering questions. And that James Franco is a pretentious douche. The only guy who was relatable was Ruffalo

    Andrew Garfield > Tobey Maguire
    so hopefully/maybe the reboot follows the same trend

    Dennis's hicky
    came via a very young girl who may or may not have been of age. Kinda scary but I can definitely see Dennis being the type of dude who would hook up with a 17 year old.

    I'm sure subway justice meant no harm. He's just old fashioned

    Fuck you, she had to work so hard to get her foot into the industry. Do you realize how hard it for someone named Coppola to get hired in hollywood? She deserves all the acclaim she has earned