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    Best Supporting Actor in The Social Network
    Garfield was way better than either Justin Timberlake or the Scandinavian dude(s)

    Its only a matter of time before Jeff fucks Shirley. Seriously he's hooked up with every female who has been on the show for any extended period of time.

    The Town was great. I can see people maybe not thinking its as artistic as some other films but meh is probably the worst way to describe it. The movie is so action packed - the three robbery scenes are just a delight. Renner and Jon Hamm were outstanding and even Affleck and Blake Lively were good. Its time movies

    Zodiac is a masterpiece and in my opinion maybe the best film I have ever seen (I am not exaggerating or being sarcastic). Its hard to imagine anything topping it, let alone the Social Network.

    Yeah I didn't love the moralizing element either

    Couple Questions
    was this the first time they all have left the college campus?
    Anyone else feel like Troy was going to bang Annie at the end?

    The actress who plays Deb just isn't up to par. The character is not all that great on top of it. Angel was good (or at least serviceable) as the decent cop. The minor characters were not always as shitty as they are now.
    Is it me or is LaGuerta returning to the super bitch levels of early season 1 now - she is being

    I wish Dexter was more selfish
    and dickish like circa Season 2 Dex. He's way too much of a hero, white knight now

    Its fucking offensive
    that Katy Perry is nominated for Best Album. Really the only worthy choice for best album is Arcade Fire

    Evi is definitely on the crazy side of the hot/crazy scale

    I knew Piven wasn't faking it!
    Its hard to see how any sane person could believe any of this shit though. Even if you take the Quaids' at their word the Starwhackers are the dumbest fucking criminals ever. Who would connect Jeremy Piven getting poisoned and Michael Jacksons trial to Randy Quaid?

    Ruffalo is great in nearly everything he is in. I thought he carried The Kids… from an average comedy to an above-average comedy. He filmed his scenes for that movie in like six or seven days and managed to be the one character I remember afterwards

    The Town was the best movie of the year
    I know it got a B- on here but it was just terrific.

    The complaint that Kanye is religious while egostical and materialist is not really fair. No person is solely religious or a rock star - and Kanye is a conflicted and dark guy and that comes through in his music.

    Glad to see the AV Club give the man credit
    there is a tendency in the reviews imo here to be contrarian. If something is getting universal A level reviews it will get a B-. Its really a shame Kanye was forced into exile for a year - and America had to listen to garbage like Kesha and Katy Perry.

    Walter White would never help some random girl
    its really disappointing to see Dexter go into hero-mode. The show is so much better when he is an evil dude that hunts evil guys and he is not perfect. Calling it now, Dexter gets caught/arrested in finale

    The first couple dvd sequels were somewhat decent (compared to similar movies). I made the mistake of watching the most recent one and that movie was hands down the most ridiculous, worthless movie I have ever seen. There is the requisite fat fuck who somehow hooks up with this blonde cheerleader, then they picked up

    Please Don't insult the honorable Tim Meadows
    let the man get his cash in peace

    If I was trying to be a firstie i would have said "who is first on their list"

    DiCaprio has got to be at the top of a Starwhacker hit list
    who's gonna challenge him for #1? Maybe Clooney or a Tom Hanks.