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    I want a daughter while I'm still young
    damn, I never though they meant that young. I envisioned it as a married couple struggling to conceive not a fucked up teen parent.

    I at least chuckled at the flash light jacking off joke in Outsourced. I can't think of anything that was funnier in a recent Office episode

    I though it was the Dean or maybe Annie

    Its kind of creepy and predatory to insist someone should disrobe after they have indicated they would prefer not to though

    I am indian and I was making that statement based on interactions with Indian people I know. My larger point is that an educated (and that guy they were making fun of would be really well educated) are not going to be hard core believers of any religion, generally. And even if the guy was a devout Hindu (which I am

    The last three weeks of Outsourced have been surprisingly decent. I am over the hate of Outsourced - its not a Community or 30 Rock but its funny enough at what it does. And with Parks & Rec back on the schedule its not holding up or blocking a great show.

    Theres no way a law firm is gonna hire a 21 or 22 year old though. I doubt Winger just decided he wants to be a lawyer and faked his transcripts in his early 20s. Its more likely (at least in my mind) that someone would try out a bunch of shit and then get bored or tired of normal stuff and then proceed to forge

    I remember when I watched the final episode of AD I felt sad and it was like I had lost a close friend or family member (I am exaggerating a little, but not that much). Its hard for me to believe Community is going to elicit the same response.

    If he was representing Ian Duncan after 9/11 the youngest he possibly could be is 33 (25 at youngest out of law school and in his first year he handles this DUI case -> not likely but could happen I guess). More likely he is in his mid to late 30s (like 36-38)

    Frank was creepy as hell
    Take off your clothes. Why are you still wearing your robe. Makes you wonder what else goes down in nightcrawlers

    the joke with the IT guy saying something along the lines of which life (in regards to if he would die or did die) was just terrible and kind of offensive. First of all a guy who is designing a microwave is not going to believe any mumbo jumbo elements in any religion and the guy is not indian-indian (like in

    Oursourced > The Office. I've ended watching outsourced the last few weeks - between 30 Rock and Always Sunny - and the show is not that bad. Its consistently funny and imo much better than The Office or even HIMYM, its enjoyable and they've more or less stopped doing a lot of uber racist jokes.

    I have to give the writers credit for making that guy so damn unlikable. I hate him and his character so much.

    Watched for the first time in months
    and the Office is as bad as it was when I left (early Season 6). Like the review said some of the stuff with Michael actually being smarter than he is portrayed made sense but Pam is kind of a bitch, Jim is boring, Dwight's shtick is as bad as ever. Disappointing.

    Don't think Payne qualifies as working. Dude hasn't directed a full movie in nearly seven years

    Did Springsteen write it?
    Only song of hers I have ever heard is because the night

    Who is "Orson Welles"?

    Getting a divorce would be a bold move for a really conventional show like Modern Family

    Natalie Portman is looking quite nice

    I bet this makes a billion
    seriously Alice in Wonderland made a billion so this too should