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    No shockingly Academy Award winning Actor Ben Affleck is not in this TBS sitcom

    And the Kick is good
    straight through the uprights

    Richard Gere is that you?

    rather giving oral sex to a stripper

    Reminds me of the dude on a thread for inception who went on this long rant about getting oral sex from a stripper but then censored the word pussy.

    Not going to hook up before you get married
    Bristol you already hooked up

    the starwhackers are being framed, this isn't their mo

    Anyone else sick of the LeBron hate
    seriously that joke was weak and the irrational hatred of the man is unfair. I guess this was a little better episode than most of the season so far but all of Barney's jokes came off as way too forced

    Show me a performance recently that Dicaprio hasn't done well. The guy is simply the best

    Who the fuck is Seger?

    I'm never going to forget
    this day

    Conan isn't that funny and has lived off the goodwill of the Leno situation. I am not a Leno fan but he's not the devil incarnate. My issue with Leno was not so much that I don't get his humor but that four+ hours of scripted tv was scrapped. Conan is no better than Leno or Letterman imo. Outsourced sucked at first

    I don't get the hate for NBC at all. In terms of comedy on the network level no one else is even close. ABC has one decent show, CBS mostly has trash (maybe HIMYM is the exception but thats not that great). I get that they are mismanaged but they still create great shows.

    As impressive as Dexter is going to be
    I've sort of come to the realization that the show will never be as great as Seasons 1 & 2 but it was really enjoyable this week (aside from the usual lageurta bullshit). Anybody else get thrown off by the unnecessary cursing - it was fuck this, motherfucker - all really forced

    Dark Horse pick
    Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore

    I don't think Sarah Palin is a genius, at all. She is mean-spirited, stubborn, arrogant, and dumb. If Freedom Fan honestly believes that Palin is articulate than I don't know what to say. Do you know what articulate means?

    Tina Fey's Palin
    not that great. For all the hype she basically misses who Palin is. Her portrayal of Palin is some innocent, folksy, outsider where as the real Palin is calculating and conniving. If anyone has read even a little about her, she is not nice.

    Oh Hai. Just watched The Room after the recommendation of the users above. Wow. It is the definition of a so bad its good, just a ridiculous movie

    I wanna see that kid in future episodes. Juggalo for life yo

    I guess her pens had been going missing before so maybe she was expecting it to be stolen