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    The dialogue in the scene with LaGuerta, Deb, Quinn, and the captain in the office was so wooden and seemed so fake.
    LaGuera was just a raging bitch; was that just them being lazy or a return to the early part of season 1 when she was an antagonist?
    I can understand some stuff slipping through but no one finds

    Validitiy of lists
    It seems on most of these most bankable lists it just ends up having someone like Shia Labeouf on top which isn't really accurate. The most bankable star is not someone who is in a franchise b/c a franchise isn't dependent on a star. Of the people on that most overpaid list the uniting factor is

    Writer = Good or Bad
    Others have mentioned this but this is just another sign if its one of the three big guys or Hornsby who writes the episode its usually great. If its someone else its more hit or miss

    30 Rock is back
    this is now a string of about 10-12 episodes that have been great (going back to the end of last season)

    Just my opinion, but she is horrible. I feel like she blows her lines all the time and really sucks at performing live (or what seems to be live).

    I would take Outsourced over BBT, 2.5 Men or any of the other CBS comedies. Its not terrible, a little offensive and lazy, but its at times funny.

    I cannot understand even toleration for BBT. I have only watched the pilot but that honestly might be the worst half hour of television comedy I have ever seen.


    The original constitution didn't have anything about term limits. It was an amendment that was added to avoid another FDR sitting in office for decades but if someone is being continually elected by his constituents why shouldn't they be able to serve.

    A Jackass
    one of his tweets was something like who's following who? I have to imagine this clown is dropping followers like crazy

    Bill Clinton
    as usual is fuckin awesome. Seriously why couldn't he have just been president for more than two terms?

    Bitch Hunter no one would be complaining about the mother's absence if the show was still consistently funny (like it once was).

    Odenkirk was as usual solid but it seems like he's been slumming lately considering this stint and on Entourage

    Where's the poop?
    that catchphrase or saying or whatever it is stupid and not in the slightest bit funny. I though they were done with it a few weeks ago but its back!

    seems crazy as hell

    Good thing Angel and
    LaGuerta got back together. It was awful seeing them fight - they're perfect together.

    So by your logic every other show on television is watched only by white people who like seeing themselves on tv

    The odd thing for such a seemingly mismanaged network, NBC has some of the best shows on broadcast tv. Community, P&R, 30 Rock, The Office (of old), Chuck are all excellent shows that probably wouldn't survive on CBS or FOX


    From what I understand its filmed in Burbank, California and all the indians are actually from England or from America (like that Gupta guy is from Chicago).