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    Assistant Manager
    That guy is annoying as hell. He was mugging for the cameras in every scene - especially that one they kept playing in the commercial, that was cringe worthy. There is no reason that some conniving asshole is going to hold on to his job.

    It was watchable
    I've ended up watching Outsourced way more than I want to b/c of its time slot and the show isn't really that bad. The fourth episode (two weeks ago I think) was actually decent and parts of the show are actually ok - like the manmeat and gupta characters. I don't get the semi-whore australian chick,

    First time ever
    that I have found the Cam & Mitch storyline to be the best. The whole costume gag was hilarious.

    The only cool thing is seeing it in 3D and at this point you can't; the movie is mediocre its not awful by any means but it won't come close to meeting the hype, especially with the standard dvd picture

    I am absolutely confused by the love of Terriers. The adoration showered on that show by the AV Club, Sepinwall and other writers is baffling. The show is so slow paced, boring as fuck, and has a ridiculous conspiracy element. I gave it three episodes and honestly it doesn't get any better.

    I watched the first two episodes and I enjoyed it. Its really gritty and the colors on the show are excessively gray or dark. I though it was a really well done procedural with an extremely diverse cast. Would still watch it but I don't have time to watch it live and don't have the interest to hunt it down and catch

    This was the first watchable episode in a while. B+ sounds right, but there has absolutely been some inflation in terms of the grades. This season has more or less sucked and last season for the most part was mediocre. Maybe the high grades are making up for harshness earlier - if I remember correctly the original

    i think a lot of the resentment that is directed towards the supporting characters stems from last season when they would cut away from the brilliant scenes with Dexter and Trinity to catch up on Angel and Lageurta getting married.
    Deb comes across as someone who thinks way too much of herself - she's a miami

    Great shows can get away with slow pacing like say a Breaking Bad because people care about the charactrs. Dexter is dependent on the action, no one gives a fuck about Laguerto or Quinn. When stuff is going on and the audience feels like Dexter's in some danger the show is pretty great. When Michael C Hall's not doing

    cleans up nice after a shower and some new clothes

    They have to do it because of all the seven year olds that watch always sunny.

    did anyone see palin do "stand up" on leno. She fucking sucked and i think that was taped. I can only imagine how awful she would have been live but it would be great to see her get embarassed.

    I though the east coast version was better (maybe because the same joke isn't as funny the second or third time hearing it). I did think the canadian guy's intro song was way better than Jenna's.

    That Serpico impression was inspired. I would love to see them try another clear homage episode like maybe an episode where they try to be gangsters or bank robbers.

    Would have been awesome to see Wesley Snipes
    That guy was killing it last season and seems to be a really funny guy. I realize its knit picky and kind of hard to get someone to NYC to do a live show.

    Considering Annie's proclivity for screwing things up playing Kate is perfect

    I was kind of hoping when they fake fired Kenneth at the end of last season, they actually fired the dude. It used to be he was ok in small does but he sucks at any dose now

    "Dr" Spaceman
    The quotation "Dr" was pretty great and I loved the who wants to be a millionaire line. The episode was a lot of fun to watch, maybe because the audience was so into it but I don't think it was a great episode. As a one time thing or even once a season it was fun. Oh yeah, the Kenyan Liar caption was

    i loved the reaction when its a chinese dude delivering the pizza

    the best season was the one (4th i think) with the nightman and dayman play and home-makeover episodes