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    A LOST parody would be doable - just have the cast get lost somewhere or be disconnected from the rest of the school.

    That live audience was way too enthusiastic and took away from the show. They were worse than Bill Maher's audience, and those guys clap for like 80% of the show.

    This season has maybe not been to the caliber of the end of last season in terms of quality, but it hasn't been awful by any means. I don't know what qualifies as quality to boypussy if community is so bad that he's almost out on the show.

    The closest comparison of Community's theme episodes is Glee's star centered episodes and of the three really blatant theme episodes Community has done, they all have been funny and two have been great. For what its worth, I though this was the funniest episode of the season so far.
    Also the way they approached the

    To those saying there were no other deserving Comedy nominees; Curb Season 7 was pretty great and nominated

    Slow down and pace yourself with the final two seasons. I remember blowing through the whole series in a week and I regret doing it so much.

    Brothers got 13 episodes last year and NBC had some shitty hour long shows go the full 22 + FOX has basically no successful half hour live action comedies so maybe/hopefully they get a chance to at the least get a whole season.

    I sort of assumed she's telling the story after it happens so she knows what happened to everyone. My isssue is more that she needs to explicitly describe everything that happens.

    The dude staring straight into the camera during the Gang of Gangsters scene was hilarious

    Don't you do a f*#%ing thing
    I thought this was really, really good - especially in light of the prior episodes. I'm really curious to see where the show goes from here now that they have had something work for most of the characters. Even the annoying do-gooder girl was funny in the episode.
    I apologize if this is a

    Doc Brown is absolutely right, the police would have no knowledge of Kyle Butler unless the Mitchell's offered it to them. So if the Mitchell family is trying to protect Dexter they aren't doing a great job of it.

    I found this review
    with Bing.com

    I think Weeds was never that great and that because of the novel nature of the show people thought it was great (myself included). Looking back at even the first couple seasons the show was weak (some of the Andy stuff was funny and at the younger kid was ok too - but Silas was always a little bitch and Mary Louise

    At the end of the second season
    they'll burn down Vegas and get rid of all their black characters

    Dexter could start fucking her and they could keep her on as a romantic interest

    I kinda wish Dexter would just kill LaGuerta and Batista and put the audience out of our misery

    Anyone else confused by
    how the Mitchell family some how cannot recall how Dexter looks. We're supposed to believe that after spending weeks with this guy, each of them remember him looking differently. Also one of the drawings are of a bald dude, wtf? Are they blind?

    How many teenagers really want to see this anyways
    a movie about a dying marriage. You would think that their audience is much much older than 15. Are they really going to lose that many customers compared to an r rating and with the nc 17 theres a lot more buzz about the film

    He has a lot of leverage though, its hard to keep the show on the air without him

    The kid that plays Manny is a far better actor than any of the other children on the show