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    I left once this douche who is a fucking terrorist, started barking out orders like "leave in a single file line" and goes back to save a guy. I already wasted six years watching an asshole with a hero complex (Jack/LOST), I'm not gonna do it again.

    Two of the lead guys in Glee are like 29 or 30 (and playing 15/16)

    He was incredible in Boy A, playing this awkward kid adjusting back into society which is sorta like Spiderman

    What if i told you, you could have four wives. Is that something you might be interested in?

    By pushing Parks & Rec to midseason though theres gonna end up being like five or six less episodes. Last year Parks had like 24 episodes; if they only start in January they could only get in like 16 or 18 episodes

    30 Rock was not bad last season - there was like six episodes in the middle of the season that were undeniably weak, but the end of the season was terrific

    what sold that mustard on it like an idiot joke was troy's grimacing facial expressions

    He was great in Kinky Sex Club, that is really weird though cause that guy has a lot of variety, porn then the mentalist, the west wing to porn, then Cold Case and then porn again. I can't imagine theres a lot of dual players who act in both porn and serious work

    She killed a fuckin nine year old child

    They've used a clear gender in addressing the mother character though, so it wouldn't even be doable to bring out some dude and say, "kids this is your mother"

    Anyone else think that that was the least sexy way of undressing possible? Forced at gunpoint - not my thing

    He was by far the weakest part of the pilot. His character was supposed to be this confident commanding guy and he just seemed like weak and bland. I definitely don't see what CBS see's in him

    your mom is a cunt-ry music lover

    Their pass from Arrested Development locks me in for at least the first six episodes and probably the season - barring it being a complete and utter piece of shit

    There's no way they could lock down that cast five years later. Bateman is headlining movies, Cera is probably beyond TV now, and even the rest of the cast have been in pretty solid demand. Tambor was in The Hangover, Buster was on Chuck for a while, the sister had her own show on ABC, etc.

    This review was surprisingly positive, everything else I've read has been pretty disappointing. Sepinwall and the other TV guy at HitFix more or less said it sucked

    I wasn't blown away either but I'm more wiling to put up with some unreasonable shit on an ambitious show rather than stupid shit on a lazy show. It was kind of exciting though

    For Whatever It's Worth
    the gossip tv guy on Entertainment Weekly (Auseillo) claims that the second episode answers immediately three questions

    He was Juliet's ex husband on LOST too

    Now V, that was just a piece a shit, Flashforward atleast was somewhat innovative