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    Dexter's Relevance
    This is obviously a really sad story but he didn't do anything in his murder that screams Dexter. This strangling could have been inspired by anything - or maybe this kid is just fucked up and tv/movies had nothing to do with it.

    Michael C Hall and Hugh Laurie would seem to be the favorites if not Jon Hamm. Its almost criminal that Michael C Hall doesn't have atleast one emmy

    The shows are both colorful in the sense that they have minority actors in the main cast

    Law & Order SVU, Law & Order LA, The Mentalist, CSI, CSI Miami, there's probably a few more CBS procedurals I forgot but theres a huge disparity.
    Smits is really good at playing politicians (Dexter, West Wing, Star Wars - not that good in that but still), you would think if they just made a standard generic legal

    Hoping this would be good
    Would have been nice to see a procedural that takes the side of the defense instead of being an ad for the police and Jimmy Smits is always enjoyable.

    Worst Character
    Any thoughts on who is a less likeable character - Turtle or Vince?
    Turtle is just a fuckin loser, and it was nice to see him called out as that kind of. Vince has got nothing appealing about him.

    As a viewer if they wanted to show Vince being risky in his sex life - I personally would have much rather seen Vince bone a multitude of hot, attractive girls not an actual whore. In an ealier season (like Season 2) Ari is concerned who Vince is taking on the red carpet and says something like "make it classy" not

    How does Entourage Wrap Up?
    If next season has only six episodes, its hard to imagine how they clear up Turtle Tequila shit, reform Vince from druggie to a star, and deal with whatever E and Drama do. Its kind of a shame considering Entourage wasted like three years doing nothing and now when they try something

    Just saw it and I think he dreamt that his girlfriend was there; she wasn't answering his calls - theres no way she's taking a train to meet him.
    I really really enjoyed the film it was gripping and the kid (Garfield) was absolutely tremendous in it.