Bill Reed

If they were 16 pages an issue with no ads for $2.50 and hit every three or four weeks, I'd be all in. But they'll be 20 pages for $3.99 and come out at least every two weeks, planned that way so their poor hardcore fanbase can't afford any other comics, luxuries, food, shelter.

It didn't even stay up long enough for you to post this article.

It didn't even stay up long enough for you to post this article.

Them's fightin' words about the Spider-Man cartoon maker, Heller.

Them's fightin' words about the Spider-Man cartoon maker, Heller.

I never joke about my love of ROM Spaceknight.

I never joke about my love of ROM Spaceknight.

Oh shit, we are close to a ROM Spaceknight movie. I can feel it.

Oh shit, we are close to a ROM Spaceknight movie. I can feel it.

Pay up, I have 6 issues and am looking to complete the run.

Pay up, I have 6 issues and am looking to complete the run.

But thanks to typecasting, Patrick Wilson is playing a eunuch.

But thanks to typecasting, Patrick Wilson is playing a eunuch.

I enjoyed this way more than the Comedy Bang Bang show. Top That Lie was, indeed, guffawesome.

I enjoyed this way more than the Comedy Bang Bang show. Top That Lie was, indeed, guffawesome.

#2 was the only good issue of the series. The remaining 6 I bought were like a bad marriage. I got out.

#2 was the only good issue of the series. The remaining 6 I bought were like a bad marriage. I got out.

Bob Kane was kind of a dick and had good business sense, so he made a lot of money on Batman. You're really only pissing on Bill Finger.

Bob Kane was kind of a dick and had good business sense, so he made a lot of money on Batman. You're really only pissing on Bill Finger.

Morrison's Batman has improved over time, so Batman and Robin was better than Batman and RIP, and Batman Inc is better than Batman and Robin.