Bill Reed

Morrison's Batman has improved over time, so Batman and Robin was better than Batman and RIP, and Batman Inc is better than Batman and Robin.

I don't think I loved it as much as these guys but it was a solid debut and improves as the issue goes along. Very reminiscent of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol.

I don't think I loved it as much as these guys but it was a solid debut and improves as the issue goes along. Very reminiscent of Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol.

Flex Mentallo is the best comic ever made. I am pleased as biff-bam-pow punch that it's in print again.

Flex Mentallo is the best comic ever made. I am pleased as biff-bam-pow punch that it's in print again.

Of all the other Batman titles, the best one that's coming out with a collection soon is Batman & Robin.

Of all the other Batman titles, the best one that's coming out with a collection soon is Batman & Robin.

A couple friends and I ditched a couple days senior year of college to drive 3.5 hours or so to Philly and see Bruce Campbell personally present his indie tour de force, My Name Is Bruce. Invited him to the bar. He called my buddy Scott a schmuck. Good times.

A couple friends and I ditched a couple days senior year of college to drive 3.5 hours or so to Philly and see Bruce Campbell personally present his indie tour de force, My Name Is Bruce. Invited him to the bar. He called my buddy Scott a schmuck. Good times.

This is one of the finest episodes of television I have ever seen. Fuck it. A+! A+'s all around!

This is one of the finest episodes of television I have ever seen. Fuck it. A+! A+'s all around!

It should be called Hello Clarice!, and be a wacky sitcom about a young single lady trying to make it in the big city, only all her neighbors in her apartment complex are secretly serial killers.

It should be called Hello Clarice!, and be a wacky sitcom about a young single lady trying to make it in the big city, only all her neighbors in her apartment complex are secretly serial killers.

I assume Sela Ward's bit was written for Cuddy.

I assume Sela Ward's bit was written for Cuddy.

I liked the retrospective because it wasn't a boring one where all the actors pat each other on the bum and they show clips. It had some of that, but it also spent time with all the blue collar guys and gals in the crew who keep the thing running.

I liked the retrospective because it wasn't a boring one where all the actors pat each other on the bum and they show clips. It had some of that, but it also spent time with all the blue collar guys and gals in the crew who keep the thing running.

I think it deserves at least a full letter grade higher solely because it ended with a Louis Prima tune.

I think it deserves at least a full letter grade higher solely because it ended with a Louis Prima tune.

Surprised it took this long for someone to pull out that old chestnut. Well, obviously, I don't want key grips to starve, but we're talking on a pure creative level here.