Bill Reed

Surprised it took this long for someone to pull out that old chestnut. Well, obviously, I don't want key grips to starve, but we're talking on a pure creative level here.

Honestly, I'd rather they just cancel it then.

Honestly, I'd rather they just cancel it then.

I guess I might as well get a comment in. I enjoyed the hell out of all three of these. Like previous years, the show steps up its game in the home stretch of the season, and I will certainly enjoy it more when I revisit this year on DVD.

I guess I might as well get a comment in. I enjoyed the hell out of all three of these. Like previous years, the show steps up its game in the home stretch of the season, and I will certainly enjoy it more when I revisit this year on DVD.

Frank "Grimey" Grimes?

After this brilliant episode, I will never write another sentence agai

If you prick me, do I not bleed? If you tweet me, do I not retweet + hashtag #cogitoergosum?

I like this show more than Girls and Veep combined.

I have *literally* never been defeated in a game of Cranium.

Brian Blessed: "SIOBHAN'S ALIVE!?!?"

Were there any Firefly references in this? I didn't notice any. Unless you count the bit where he was playing with dolls.

Nope, but he may be Kilgore Trout.

Annie Hall 2: Annie Haller

No no no, my tattoo is German for "The Bart, The".

Is this finally coming out? Sweet Jesus, it's been a long time.

I liked an episode more than Todd. Stop the presses.

Sort of both.

This show has gotten a lot of mileage out of that fake video game footage.

The point of Seinfeld isn't that you have a heartwarming moment, but that you identify with the idiosyncrasies of the characters, and the weird minutiae they obsess over.