Bill Reed

The For Our Consideration on oldies radio had me, at a glance, excited at an article on Old-Timey Radio, then sad when it wasn't. And now, elation! Woo!

The Naked Jungle is hilarious. My friends and I remade it for a class project in high school. It was terrible.

The Shirley-centric episodes this season have been the best episodes this season.

A girl I was hopelessly smitten with subjected me to Hard Candy. In retrospect I think she was trying to tell me something.

I love way more than three of their albums. Maybe You Should Drive is probably their best, but other great ones include Maroon, Everything to Everyone, Are Men, and yeah, everybody likes Stunt. Pirate Ship isn't bad… I like the live album too…

I will see the shit of this because of the Barenaked Ladies. Because you can all shut up, I like them.

There is actually a Crime Tailor, but he mainly works for the Flash's rogues. 

There's an Ovaltine channel?

There is only one answer to this question, and that is Pete Campbell.

This was terrific. I'm already sad about its cancellation.

I got more of a Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes vibe.

Sorry, we were looking for "Playing House", which will be the best show since AfterMASH.

I guess so? Mostly I was left wondering why Karl Urban was slumming, and who he owed a favor to.

Worst episode ever? Maybe. Definitely the stupidest.

The point of Crank was escalation, it starts and it goes, no exposition, and it gets crazier and crazier. Crank 2 starts at the level of crazy where the first one left off and gets exponentially crazier from there. Complete commitment to its aesthetic. I thought it was terrific.

I will inevitably see this anyway but I will have to donate a greater amount of money to Gary Friedrich, for karma's sake.

90s Johnny Blaze was Ghost Rider free but had a metal faceplate and a hellfire shotgun. He was not as cool as Deathlok, or Dethklok.

At one time, yes. And half his face was made of metal. 

Crank 2 is the goddamn Citizen Kane of the 21st century.

You know, your library just throws that shit out.