Bill Reed

I have a tie with a bunch of these on it.

Finally watched it. This is probably the most damaging iteration a show of this type could be. Shame.

Nic Cage in clownface like Childrens Hospital.

Severin was really, really good, still in his artistic prime well into his 80s. We should all be so lucky.

Sal's art always seemed staid when I was younger, but as I grow older I like it more and more, his ROM was particularly strong. And then Steve Ditko came in to draw the later issues. Steve Ditko!

I love Bill Mantlo, but let's not kid ourselves, ROM is his masterwork. To take a flop toy no one bought and built a universe from scratch around it… damn. ROM, as a character, was more noble than Thor and the Silver Surfer combined.

Tonight, the part of Slimer will be played by a bottle of Crystal Head Vodka.

I actually quite liked this one. That's two good ones in a row for me, and three in four weeks. I don't know what happened, but the show is watchable again. Or maybe I am just sleepier when it's on.

Damn, I missed something with Amy Acker in it?

Yes, it is right to make the creator of a character pay a gigantic multi-million dollar corporation just because, and also not allow him to state object facts in public.

Emma Peel, motherfuckers.


Can we at last get one of those "giant pile of rubble on Spidey but he lifts himself out through sheer force of determination" scenes, the classic example of which is Amazing #, what, 33? I'm surprised Raimi did not homage that one.

He actually signed a great contract, which was kind of a coup at the time, as the rights to Watchmen will revert to him and Gibbons once the book goes out of print.

But then at the end you find out Bruce Willis was a pair of pants THE WHOLE TIME

Awake is the one new show I had been looking forward to this year. Finally, it is here, and will probably die a hasty death.

Also dug that walk-and-talk oner from the vending machine to House's office.

That was the best House episode in a dog's age. The Patient of the Week (well, okay, mostly the Mrs Patient of the Week) is a legitimate character! The jokes are funny! It has clinic stuff and a Wilson/House bet that ends like a Boston Legal episode! Taub does not appear at all!

He is growing weaker. It is almost time to feed on another Baldwin.

Yeah, I feel bad for Joe Flaherty, too.